Wednesday, May 27, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 7 Commentary... Travels in 21st century Vietnam By Craig F. Eisenbeis Columnist Vietnam. For many, it9s more than just a place; it9s an era. Vietnam affected the lives of an entire generation. Although I never actually set foot in the country until earlier this year, Vietnam forever changed my life. It changed 4 and even ended 4 the lives of others I knew. My family has a history of military service: my father in World War II; his father in the National Guard during World War I; and two of my great-grandfathers fought in the Civil War. So, when I graduated from Oregon State University during the Vietnam War, there was no question in my mind that I would follow in their foot- steps. As I always assumed I would, if the need arose, I did as my father had done in World War II and joined the U.S. Coast Guard. As an unintended conse- quence, instead of pursuing a career in biological research as I had planned, I ended up making the Coast Guard my career. Most of that career was ashore; but I also served on two ships, both of which saw action in Vietnam 4 although not while I was on board. We had one three- month deployment off the Asian coast, but that was as close as I got. So, it was primarily with historical curiosity that I approached our cruise ship visit to Vietnam earlier this year. The Vietnam we saw was a vibrant, prosperous, cheerful, unified nation under communist leader- ship 4 a scenario that we fruitlessly fought a war to prevent. I wondered how visiting Americans would be perceived, but our guide pointed out that the aver- age age in Vietnam is 31, and only 12.8 percent of the population was even alive when the war ended. By way of comparison, I vis- ited post-war Japan 4 in a military capacity 4 25 years after World War II and was well-received throughout the country. By the time I visited Vietnam as a civilian tourist, that war was nearly 50 years in the rear-view mirror; so, I probably should not have been surprised. Although the official name is now Ho Chi Minh City, our first stop is still often referred to as Saigon. An attractive, modern, clean city, Saigon has everything you9d expect in a modern city of 10 million people 4 impressive skyscrap- ers, nice parks, museums, McDonald9s, Starbucks& I found myself wondering what those who sacrificed their lives here 50 years ago would think of Vietnam today. We visited Saigon at the start of the lunar new year celebration and were for- tunate enough to be swal- lowed up in their elaborate downtown Flower Festival, which kicks off a week- long new year9s party. The streets, some closed to traf- fic, were packed with fes- tively dressed celebrants. DOES YOUR CAR HANDLE LIKE A BUCKIN’ BRONCO? SCHEDULE YOUR ALIGNMENT TODAY! DAVIS TIRE 541-549-1026 Serving Sisters Since 1962 188 W. Sisters Park Dr. In Sisters Industrial Park We’re OPEN & practicing again on a limited basis! Please call for an appointment as we will be prescreening patients prior to treatment. Dr. Thomas R. Rheuben ~ Serving Sisters Since 1993 ~ | 304 W. Adams Ave. Quality Truck-mounted CARPET CLEANING Quality Cleaning 16 years in Reasonable Prices Sisters! | PHOTO BY CRAIG EISENBEIS A typical Vietnamese marketplace. Hindu temple site that now serves all of the country9s religions. We also climbed 208 steps to the site of a giant Buddha statue seated on a lotus blossom. Later, we