Wednesday, May 27, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Sisters Country birds By Douglas Beall Correspondent B u l l o c k 9s O r i o l e s (Icterus bullock) breed in riparian and open wood- lands and favor areas where the trees are large and spaced well apart or in iso- lated clumps. They often nest in sycamores, cotton- woods, willows, and decid- uous oaks. They eat insects and other arthropods, as well as fruit and n e c t a r. T h e y glean insects from leaves, PHOTO BY DOUGLAS BEALL Bullock’s Oriole. AFFORDABLE: Three homes are part of Hayden development branches and trunks; they also pluck insects from spi- der webs or from the air, and take ripe fruit from bushes and trees. Bullock9s Orioles use a method called