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    Wednesday, May 27, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
SHS graduates coping in college
By Ceili Cornelius
Sisters High School grad-
uates who are now well into
their college careers are feel-
ing the effects of COVID-
19. Universities are closed,
job interviews are conducted
over zoom meetings, sport-
ing events are canceled, and
happy hours with friends are
held through a screen during
this time of social isolation.
A few Sisters High School
graduates spoke with The
Nugget about how they are
coping with their school year
being altered and what they
are doing to keep busy and
maintain a sense of normalcy.
Nina Horner, SHS grad
in 2015, is going through
a transitional period in her
schooling at the University
of Oregon. She recently
changed her major to gen-
eral science and is having
to navigate changing classes
and requirements during a
time of transition to online
<I don9t love the online
classes to be honest,= she
said. <I think it9s better to
be in person, and for me, it9s
harder to switch from work
to school to home mode
when it9s all the same these
She said she was also able
to process some things with
the extra time for rest and
The broadcasting fre-
quency to be used for the
Sisters High School 2020
<I am the epitome of a
busy-bee and I am sort of
forced to rest a bit more,= she
To keep busy, Horner is
taking her online classes,
spending time with her fam-
ily, reading, training and try-
ing to keep a sense of nor-
malcy in her life.
<I am excited to see what
life is going to look like after
all this, it is going to be dif-
ferent for sure,= said Horner.
This time allows college
students to slow down and
get away from busy packed
schedules and responsibili-
ties and working on their
own schedule a bit more.
Seth Larson is trying to take
in as much of this down time
and free time as possible.
<Our generation is always
looking towards the next
thing and we will never have
this time again with our fam-
ilies and free time, so I am
really trying to be present
and, in the moment,= he said.
Larson graduated this
year from Corban University
in secondary physical educa-
tion, getting his bachelor of
science in teaching. Right
before lockdown began,
Larson was just getting into
student teaching, working as
a PE teacher after finishing
all his required classes.
<I miss the kids and other
coaches I was working with
now, and it was rough it
being so abrupt,= he said.
To keep busy, Larson has
been spending time with his
family, applying for jobs and
spending time outdoors.
<I am doing well consid-
ering these times, but it is
nice to have this unexpected
time with my family before
starting in on my career,= he
A junior at the University
of Oregon, Hogan
Hernandez, is living in
Eugene with her roommates,
continuing to work and take
classes online.
<I am only a junior so
I feel like I still have time
left and I actually am enjoy-
ing the online classes,= said
Hernandez enjoys having
some extra free time and the
ability to work on school on
her own schedule, not con-
stantly inundated with school
all day, every day. Hernandez
works for a housing com-
pany, Chase Village, and has
kept busy there in addition to
doing school.
<I9ve learned a lot about
what businesses are essential,
including housing, and we
are able to help people find
Commencement Ceremony
to be held at Sisters Rodeo
Grounds at 7 p.m. on
Friday, June 12 will be
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Program continues
to add scholarships
Continued from page 11
(Paulina Springs Books).
In addition, a scholar-
ship in the name of long-
time GRO board chair and
founder Karen Hensley was
added this year as the Karen
Hensley Service Scholarship
and the local office of
Premier Mortgage Resources
(PMR) led by Kathy Kemper-
Zanck, added an award called
Three Simple Steps.
Tim Ross, the GRO board
chair, said, <With the 11 new
scholarships this year we
have a great cross-section.
They come from a diverse
group of community mem-
bers and are targeted towards
students with differing post-
high-school ambitions. This
is one more example of what
makes Sisters such a unique
community. Many of our
neighbors have a desire to
pay it forward and Sisters
GRO provides an easy
method to do it.=
Ross wants the entire
Sisters community to become
aware of Sisters GRO, so
he invites parents of school-
aged children to check out
the GRO website to become
more familiar with the wide
variety of awards available to
Sisters graduates.
Additionally, prospec-
tive donors are encouraged
to contact board members to
learn more about sponsor-
ing a scholarship. Contact
information is available on
the GRO website www., which can
be accessed directly, but is
also linked to the Sisters
School District website at
According to school coun-
selor Rick Kroytz, who helps
run the ASPIRE mentor-
ship program at Sisters High
School, just under half of
last years9 graduating class
applied for at least one schol-
arship <and every single one
of them received at least one
award= for a total of well
over $200,000 of local money
With the 11 new
scholarships this year we
have a great cross-section.
They come from a diverse
group of community
members and are targeted
towards students with
differing post-high-school
— Tim Ross
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