4 Wednesday, May 20, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon City of Sisters Sisters recycling COVID-19 Situation Report center reopens The May 13 City Council meeting discussion ranged from the County reopening plan and State framework to all City operations and facili- ties that have been impacted by COVID-19. An overview of those discussions and decisions can be found in another section of this edition of The Nugget, as well as the packet materials and audio of the meeting on the City9s website. The Council made two key decisions: First, a res- olution was adopted to extend the City9s Emergency Declaration through May 31; second, the Council decided to let the Administrative Order discouraging tourism travel and visitor overnight stays expire May 13. These decisions were made after consistent monitoring and careful consideration of the County and State actions leading towards reopening of the economy. The County submitted a plan to the State earlier this month to move into Phase I reopening and was approved by the State on May 13. Earlier in May, the State extended their emergency declaration to July 6. There was some confusion as to whether this meant the