Wednesday, May 20, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Quinlan Crowe Sisters High School May 2020 Student of the Month Quinlan Crowe always gives her best. She’s a three-sport athlete (cross coun- try, swimming, and tennis) and hopes to graduate with an honors diploma. She likes to think of herself as “motivated and responsible,” and she seeks to be well-rounded — an attri- bute facilitated by a small school district that nevertheless offers a wide range of opportunities. Quinlan appreciates a culture that allows and encourages students to be art- ists and athletes as they pursue academic excellence. She’s served as swim team captain, on LINK Crew, and worked as an intern at Sisters Christian Academy and as a biology intern. “I just want to succeed,” she said. “I want to be a successful person — be the best person I can be, really.” Quinlan seeks to become a massage therapist, with plans to attend COCC’s program in that field before seeking a business degree at a four-year university. She is grateful to the Sisters commu- nity for their support through a strange end to a senior year. “I’ve just seen so much support from the whole community (to) support the seniors and make the best of what we’ve got,” she said. “Quinlan is an infinitely warm and caring person who is a gift to Sisters High School. Her ability to lead others in a positive nurtur- ing way is one of her true talents. When teach- ers, coaches, or friends need a helping hand, Quinlan is always there ready and willing. Thank you Quinlan for the warmth, kindness and relentless positive spirit you give to Sisters High School.” — Tim Roth “Congratulations Quin! In having Quin in art classes since she was a hesitant freshman, I have seen her come into her own confidence and leadership role! She interacts well with her peers and is always happy to help or share her time. She is kind, thoughtful, helpful, and inquis- itive. Way to go!” — Bethany Gunnarson “Quinlan always takes initiative in class. Never afraid to speak her mind and share her wisdom with others.” — Ada Chao “Quinlan is everything you want to see in an Outlaw! Caring, hardworking, and a positive force on our campus. She is also one of only a handful of SHS Seniors this year who competed in 3 sports for all 4 years of her time with us. She is a great example of what a student athlete should be, and we appreciate all she has done for SHS. Thank you Quinlan!” — Gary Thorson “Quinlan Crowe is a very special person. She is selfless, caring, perceptive, and incred- ibly strong. When she puts her mind to do something, she follows through and inspires others through her actions. This year the cross country team started a special award in her honor, the Q award, recognizing students who tirelessly work to face odds and persevere when most people would be discouraged and quit. It has been such a privilege to know Quinlan these past four years. We are so fortunate she and her family chose to be Outlaws. We are better because of her.” — Rima Givot “Quinlan is one of the grittiest and relentless and persistent and slowest and loveliest runners I have ever coached. Her determination and infectious personality made her one of the most important parts of our team. In four years, her positivity never waivered. We challenged her and she would step up, she would push herself and she would support her teammates. Her impact on the Cross Country team moved us to create a new yearly award for an athlete which demonstrates the qualities we see in Quinlan, we named the award after her. Myself and the whole Cross Country team are truly going to miss her, but def- initely don’t tell her, because she will then make fun of us... tell us we are late and ask 15 more questions... We are definitely going to miss you Quinnyyyyyyyyyy...” — Josh Nordell “Quinlan is a great kid. She has a fabu- lous sense of humor, a strong work ethic, and always has a positive attitude. She is the kind of person that everyone wants to be around. I will miss her so much and I’m so excited about what the future has in store for her. She is truly a gem.” — Daniel O’Neill “Quinlan is a ray of sunshine! Every day she wears a big smile, has a positive attitude, and is loaded with encouraging comments. She simply makes the world a better place, no matter where she is. Impressively, she never gives up. When dealing with challenges, she increases her hope and her faith, looks up, and rises up. Her exam- ple of a positive role model will carry on at SHS, even after she graduates. This young lady is truly a gift to all who know her.” — Samra Spear “Quin leads by example. I have had the pleasure of being her PE teacher this whole year and have truly enjoyed her tenacity and sense of humor.” — Emily Kernen “I have loved watching Quinlan grow over these last four years as she was willing to try new things, move beyond her comfort zone, and encourage others to join her as she did so. Her vivacious, kind-hearted, can-do spirit has made a difference here at SHS! She will be missed.” — Jami Lyn Weber These businesses have joined The Nugget Newspaper in supporting our youth and their accomplishments by co-sponsoring the Student of the Month program. 260 N. Pine, Sisters • 541-549-4349 103 E. HOOD AVE. • 541-904-0778 “You can’t use up creativity. Th e more you use, the more you have.” — Maya Angelou We are proud of your achievements. CCB#87587 Climb High, Climb Far Visa & Mastercard Accepted 541-595-3838 The Ranch 541-549-5555 in Sisters| Continue Striving For Excellence! Wishing you a healthy dose of success! WALK-IN • URGENT CARE Occupational Medicine 541-548-2899 3818 SW 21st Pl. Hwy. 126 to Redmond, two turns and you’re there! (Near fairgrounds) 541-549-5900 BUILDING A SOLID FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE C o n g r a t u la t io n s to our future leade r s ! 49-1026 541-5 DAVIS TIRE Celebrating over 50 years of our local, family-run business! 440 N. PINE ST., SISTERS • 541-549-8141 Proud to offer tire, brake, suspension & lift services! Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 188 W. Sisters Park Dr. TAKODA’S We are proud to recognize the excellence and accomplishment of this stud den student! Congratulations! Trevor Frideres D . M . D . & Greg Everson D . M . D . 541-549-8620 ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS 541-549-3534 541-549-2011 • 491 E. Main Ave., Sisters 325 N. Locust St., Sisters Celebrate your achievement with us! 425 Hwy. 20 W. Next to Bi-Mart Sun..-Thurs., 11. a.m. to 8 p.m.; Fri. & Sat., 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Bar & Lounge 11 a.m.-close daily 17