The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, May 20, 2020, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, May 20, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
kind ceremony to take
place at rodeo grounds
Continued from page 1
For those unable to attend
in person, plans for a live
feed are in the works so peo-
ple can watch from home on
their phones or computers.
Preliminary plans do
include making a way for
students to <cross the stage=
to be recognized individu-
ally, according to Principal
Joe Hosang.
<Essentially, we will
organize very small groups
of graduates to line up next
to the stage, maintain a
10-foot distance from each
other, wear an Outlaw mask,
cross the stage, receive a
diploma, have a picture
taken and return to the fam-
ily car,= he said in a let-
ter sent out to students and
Following the ceremony
those in the vehicle with
their graduates will be
escorted back to Sisters by
the Sisters-Camp Sherman
Fire Department for a parade
through town, ending at the
high school, according to
In acknowledging that
many details still need to
be worked out and that
things can change so rap-
idly regarding the virus,
Hosang added, <Our motto
during distance learning is
8In Grace, Flexibility and
Patience,9 so things may
adjust a bit and all details are
subject to social distancing
guidelines changing between
now and June 12.=
Hosang wanted to espe-
cially thank Mel Petterson,
Lynne Fendall and Jillian
Frankl for their help in mak-
ing the ceremony a real-
ity. <These three have put
in many hours working to
problem-solve this event in
order to make it happen.=
Seniors are required to
attend a practice for the
event on Thursday, June
11 at 9 a.m. to help ensure
things will run smoothly the
following day. In following
state guidelines, students
will be asked to drive indi-
vidually to the rodeo grounds
where they will be directed
for parking. Students will
stay in their vehicles during
the practice unless instructed
<We really can9t allow
students to ride with other
students and still be adher-
ing to the guidelines,= said
Hosang. <It9s a bit of a has-
sle, but we want to do this
Any students with
issues for transportation
will be aided by contacting
Jillian Frankl via email at
On Friday, May 29,
seniors are required to come
to Sisters High School
between 11 a.m. and noon
to turn in school materials,
including Chromebooks, as
well as to pick up their grad-
uation caps and gowns.
<We are working to make
this time part of the senior9s
celebration, so we hope that
all seniors can make it dur-
ing the time frame,= said
Hosang. <We will have them
pull into the bus circle out
front to take care of this
Graduate Resource
Organization (GRO)
Scholarship winners, who
will have been notified prior
to May 29, will pick up pack-
ets confirming their awards
along with instructions for
other tasks related to the
scholarships, according to
counselor Rick Kroytz.
<The packets include
information about how to
make sure their scholarship
money gets to the proper
school as well as instructions
for how to thank the donors,
which we feel is very impor-
tant,= he said.
Hosang is grateful to be
able to honor the class of
2020 after all the interrup-
tion of their senior year.
<As the principal of
Sisters High School I want
to extend a huge thank you
to all our community part-
ners, parents, teachers, and
staff who have contributed
to ensure the Class of 2020
is honored and has a gradua-
tion ceremony that will most
certainly be memorable,=
he said. <On a daily basis
the list of people to thank is
Jodi Schneider McNamee
Bringing puppy into
the great outdoors
You9ve finally done it.
After months of dreaming,
you finally made the deci-
sion to take the plunge and
bring home your own little
bundle of furry joy. Now that
it9s warming and heading
towards summer you can9t
wait to hit the trails with
your new pup and introduce
him to a life of adventure.
However, since puppies
don9t typically finish their
initial series of inocula-
tions at the veterinarian until
they9re 16 weeks old, there9s
time for your little pooch to
learn basic training before
going on that fun hike.
Puppies are vulnerable
to several diseases that can
be caught from exposure to
other dogs, their feces and
urine, and even mosqui-
tos, before their shots are
You also need to take into
consideration your pup9s
age, size, breed, and health
before you start going on
those big adventures.
During your pup9s first
year of life his limbs will
grow longer. While your
pup is still growing they are
also at risk for growth plate
A puppy is a baby, so you
will need to take it slow as
you introduce him to hik-
ing. If you want to turn your
young pooch into an adven-
ture dog, prepare for hiking
by training him.
Start with 10-minute
walks on flat ground. As
they get older, increase the
length and difficulty of their
walks. Not only do they need
to build up the muscles to
carry them, their paws need
to adjust to the wear from
hiking long distances or over
rough terrain
Before you head out on
the perfect trail with your
eager pooch, it9s worth
spending some time on a
few commands that could
potentially keep your furry
friend out of hot water. This
will give you something to
focus on also, so you are not
tempted to push him too far
too fast.
The most important les-
son that you can teach your
puppy before taking him
hiking is recall.
Learning to come when
called, or recall to you, is
one of the most important
skills your dog can learn.
But teaching a recall can be
challenging, as dogs find so
much of the world so inter-
esting. Each time we ask
our dog to come to us, we9re
asking him to stop what he9s
That means turning
away from other interesting
smells, dogs, and food, to
come to us.
There are lots of cool
finds on hiking trails 4
sticks, leaves, abandoned
snack food, poop, dead ani-
mals 4 some of which can
make your dog sick if he9s
not trained to recall.
Most puppies will come
to you whenever you decide
to walk away because
they instinctively follow
you. Making this a reli-
able response usually takes
months of consistency and
positive training.
You need to perfect the
command by practicing in
different locations and with
different levels of distrac-
tions. When you are back-
packing, you need your dog
to respond reliably to recall
in any number of different
situations. It9s a matter of
Practice recall every day
until your dog responds to
your whistle or call, even in
high-distraction areas.
If you haven9t quite per-
fected recall, it9s not the end
of the world. Just keep your
pooch on a long line. Long
leashes allow your pup to
explore, but you still have
See PAW PRINTS on page 18
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