The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, May 20, 2020, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
MUSTANG: Sisters
youth is working with
yearling mustang
Continued from page 3
long life together. Tragically
and unexpectedly, Faith had
an unknown condition and
died suddenly.
Losing Faith was a blow
that took time to heal. Within
the same year, a gypsy van-
ner named Mystere9 arrived
at the ranch needing rehabili-
tation. Mystere9 was <shut
down and non-expressive,=
but Hailey and her younger
sister Savannah seemed to
be just what he needed. Days
after arriving, the girls were
spotted being <followed=
around the arena by the gen-
tle giant 4and that was just
the beginning of a mutually
healing journey.
Hailey9s heart once again
connected to a special horse
and yet, unfortunately,
another heartbreaking loss
It is something quite
extraordinary to find anyone
who has gone through mul-
tiple losses and is still will-
ing to enter into an endeavor
where the outcome is about
giving something up. Hailey
is just that extraordinary. She
is pouring her heart and soul
into this little wild child and
dedicated to building trust
and solid <in-hand= skills so
that Stormy9s forever home
will be given a strong start-
ing point.
From the beginning,
Hailey has accomplished
amazing results. The piv-
otal beginning goal of <first
touch= was accomplished on
the second day. Shortly there-
after came haltering and lead-
ing 4 again accomplished
in record time. The biggest
challenge Hailey faces is
when Stormy tries to nibble
on her. This is a playful yet
potentially problematic and
dangerous habit that needs
to be dealt with immediately
and consistently. Not surpris-
ing for a young horse, Stormy
proves to require a little bit of
mindful, tough love consis-
tently in this regard.
Hailey9s mom is there
when needed, but is also
focused on this being her
daughter9s experience.
From a trainer9s perspec-
tive, Alison shares that, <It9s
such a great opportunity for
her to work with one that
has not been dulled by the
human. She is seeing how
very important patience is
in everything she is doing. I
feel it will make her appre-
ciate her own horse that she
rides currently, and the time
it takes to get one to that
Each day continues to
bring remarkable advance-
ments and in just three
weeks, thanks to Hailey9s
dedicated work, Stormy
received her first hoof trim
by a farrier with a personal
investment. Paul describes
being filled with joy while
watching his daughter prog-
ress. As he observes every
step forward, he tempers the
fear of his daughter working
with something that was wild
and ungentled only weeks
ago, with gratitude for what
this opportunity is bringing
to her life.
<I9m truly blessed to be
able to see all this unfold and
I don9t think a father could be
any prouder than I am every
time I see her walking around
the property with Stormy,
knowing how much work has
gone into just getting her to
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this simple stage.=
As with all other aspects
of life affected by the current
pandemic, the Weston family
is now waiting to see if the
Mustang Madness event will
go on as scheduled, August
6-8 in Cle Elum, Washington.
The Mustang Heritage
Foundation had planned to
provide full funding through
their trainer incentive pro-
gram (TIP), however due
to an imposed shutdown of
equine pickups until after
June 1, and MYWY9s desire
not to shorten the trainer9s
time with their horses, that
funding fell away.
The Oregon BLM stepped
in and is allowing trainers to
participate in the Adoption
Incentive Program after
meeting certain require-
ments, which will help to
offset their expenses.
MYWY, however, still
needs help in meeting finan-
cial goals for putting on the
event, and is encouraging
each trainer to participate in
fundraising efforts to ensure
that the show will go on.
Hailey will be 12 years
old when her time with
Stormy concludes. As Hailey
continues to expand her skill
levels and confidence, while
helping Stormy to become
a good and respectful part-
ner, she will also be helping
build awareness to all that is
possible within the relation-
ship between a human and a
If you are interested
in helping to support the
financial needs of MYWY-
Mustang Madness 2020 and
Hailey Weston9s journey,
us/become-a-sponsor/ ).
reflects independence
as church family
Continued from page 11
former Sisters Christian
Academy was hired by
Wellhouse to continue the
preschool program and main-
tain the reputation of excel-
lent education.
For Wellhouse Church
the expansion goes beyond
names and preschool. With
plans to expand in the future
into the empty lot at 332
Trinity Way, and a remodel
of the old New Hope Church,
now leased by Wellhouse
Church, their plans involve
years of growth. The church
will start with an initial
expansion of the auditorium
and restructuring of the
lobby, increasing their seat-
ing to 700.
Following years will see
the development of the new
Wellhouse Bible College 4
the only one in Central Oregon
4 currently pending state
approval. Additional facili-
ties will be built on campus
to accommodate students and
additional expansion within
their current building for
classroom and office space.
<It is our desire to be able
to resource the citizens in
Sisters school district and
surrounding areas,= said
Kaping. <To provide a safe
place of worship and help
educate, train, and equip
every generation that makes
Central Oregon their home or
comes to visit us for a short
Pastor Jerry Kaping in the auditorium at Wellhouse Church.
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Supply, winners of The Nugget
Newspaper’s Jumpstart contest!
Each winner will receive $750 in advertising credit.
The Nugget staff would like to thank all
of our wonderful display advertisers who
participated in the contest by advertising
at least 2 times during the past six weeks.
The Nugget Newspaper is here for Sisters
and looks forward to continuing to stand
shoulder to shoulder — six feet apart —
with our business community and neighbors.
The Nugget Newspaper
541-549-9941 • 442 E. Main Ave., Sisters