The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, May 20, 2020, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Continued from page 2
To the Editor:
I am writing this as a long-time
resident and business owner.
Anyone that has lost money due
to the Governor Kate Brown9s lock
down and <Stay at Home Order=:
This direct order was a violation of
your constitutional rights, a violation
of her signed oath for office and delib-
erately stepping on the graves of our
veterans who made the ultimate sacri-
fice9s for your freedoms.
It is your right to invoice and bill
the Governor.
Her order violates your constitu-
tional rights as an American citizen
and to do business by choice as an
American citizen. Her order is also
an act of perjury which violates and
contradicts her signed oath of office to
uphold state and federal constitutions.
Whether you are a small business
owner or now without income. I am
asking you to join me and others to
invoice your losses and to bill Kate
Brown for your lost income.
Please postal mail invoices to:
Governor Kate Brown
900 Court St. NE
Salem, Oregon 97301
Richard Esterman
Editor9s note: Richard Esterman
serves as a City Councilor for the City
of Sisters. His letter is not written in
an official capacity but as he notes, as
a private citizen.
To the Editor:
This is in response to Michael Wells
recent Letter to the Editor: I have only
lived in Sisters 41 years, moving here
to raise my children (ages 3 and 5 at
the time) in the Sisters School District.
My family has had the most wonderful
experience of living, thriving, contrib-
uting to the Sisters community. So we
need two more classrooms at the ele-
mentary school 4 donated materials,
builders and volunteers and we have
two more classrooms. No problem.
I have no idea where you are from
(I can guess), but you might want to
check with old timers to see how we
get things accomplished. I am avail-
able to assist in anything.
Charlene Cash
To the Editor:
I9m not a writer; I9m just a guy
that likes intelligent political debate.
I write in what I consider understand-
able English. In other words, when
the reader gets done reading, did they
understand my intent? Not whether or
not I spelled properly or used proper
grammar and punctuation. I can dia-
gram a sentence; I just don9t feel like
doing it here. Will Rogers is still read
today, whether or not you believed his
insights, he wrote in understandable
English and couldn9t spell a lick (sp).
Complaining about political rants,
by a writer that simply wants to
stimulate readers, is tantamount to
your complaining about the ending
of a book, without having ever read
the beginning. If both sides read just
a little bit more of the other side, we
might find compromise somewhere
in between. You don9t need to love
a thought, but hating that thought is
totally ignorant.
Anyway my current thought
or Political Rant is about Monday
Morning Politics or Monday Morning
Presidency. Using the current pan-
demic as an example, the President
has proposed ordering a bazillion face
mask and other PPE to get ready for
the next pandemic. He is doing this
not for some kind of preventative
medical reasoning, but for political
gain, which is forced on him by pun-
dits of Monday Morning Politics.
The day this pandemic became a
media issue is the same day it became
a tool to be placed in the <Got9cha
Tool Box.= Maintaining this tool box,
in preparation for the next political
divide, is all at our expense. Nowhere
on earth is hindsight more prevalent
than American politics. So I ask you;
who will be held accountable for the
next pandemic, related to a foot-borne
virus, where ventilators and face mask
will have absolutely no value? For that
answer; stay tuned for Monday Night
Terry Coultas
To the Editor:
In the last issue of The Nugget
Newspaper the guest editorial I wrote
raises the absence of formal, certi-
fied qualifications Sheriff9s candidate
Schaier has for the office.
In response to a similar comment
made on his campaign page last week
Schaier responded with the following.
<Leadership is a character trait not
a college diploma or your credentials
through a state police academy.
Leadership takes the courage to under-
stand your strengths but embrace your
weaknesses. Leadership is the com-
mitment to surround yourself with
people who are loyal to the commu-
nity and the profession, not to an indi-
vidual.= 4 Candidate Scott Schaier
Oregon9s Department of Public
Safety, Standards & Training dis-
agrees with him.
DPSST offers three levels of man-
agement/leadership training. There
are specific criteria to be accepted for
the professional development these
courses provide.The Supervisory,
Management, and Executive
Management courses are meant to pre-
pare a law enforcement professional in
her/his profession. https://www.ore-
Candidate Schaier9s self-definition
of leadership reflects, again, his gross
lack of even the most basic career
accomplishments to date. He is ineli-
gible to even APPLY to attend this
Paraphrasing retired Navy SEAL
officer and author Jocko Willink:
<People look for the shortcut.
The hack. The shortcut is a lie. The
hack doesn9t get you there. To reach
goals and overcome obstacles... will
not happen by itself. It will not hap-
pen cutting corners, taking shortcuts,
or looking for the easy way.= 4
<Discipline Equals Freedom,= Willink
Candidate Schaier is looking for
the hack, the shortcut. He says so him-
self. Good leaders don9t need the hack.
They do the hard work, make the cut,
prove themselves, and by doing so
earn the right to lead.
Greg Walker (ret)
USA Special Forces
Deschutes County SO
To the Editor:
When I heard about the stump
removal along highway 20 west of
Sisters, I could not believe it. This is
Never before have I seen stump
grinding occur after a logging project
in the woods. Then I see Peter Murphy
on TV saying ODOT is removing the
stumps because they are a <hazard= to
cars drifting off the road. What?! As if
a few thousand trees are not a hazard!
I immediately knew the story was
BS! Then I realized what was going
on. The folks that were <heartbroken=
and <devastated= by the removal of
these trees just could not stand seeing
those damn stumps! The reminder of
the <horror= they witnessed! What a
waste of money!
I said it before and I9ll say it again,
Not staying home.
Kris Nirenberg
To the Editor:
I have not said much about this
year9s senior class, the Class of 2020.
I want to start by congratulating
you on your pending graduation! I
also want be clear, it is unfair that you
lost the spring of your senior year due
to COVID-19. Please do not take this
as a political statement. Regardless
of the situation, the Class of 2020 did
not get a prom, a spring sports season,
final music performances, and no tra-
ditional Sisters High School gradua-
tion ceremony. Additionally, you lost
the unofficial events, the interactions
with staff and classmates that sponta-
neously arise as your final semester
Some folks will downplay the situ-
ation because they won9t know what
it feels like to have their senior year
stripped away at the last minute.
I am sad for you, but if there is
any group that can plow through this
in creative ways, it is your group.
There is no pandemic strong enough
to silence you or dent the passion of
the Class of 2020. Keep your head up
and keep fighting. Please know that
we need you because you provide us
hope for our future. This year may not
be what you envisioned, but I9m eager
to see what you do with it.
Although the spring of 2020 has
been different than any of us would
have imagined, know that you have a
community that stands behind. Thank
you to our staff for their work during
these challenging times, I could not be
more proud of our staff and how they
have responded to this crisis.
Together, we will come through
this, and we will look at the world dif-
ferently. Be kind to yourself, and wrap
each other in support and love.
Thanks to the Class of 2020, you
give us hope for our future. I know
you will make the Sisters community
Curt Scholl
SSD, Superintendent
SPRD’s ability to off er
summer programs is
contingent on current
local and State
restrictions due
to COVID-19.
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