8 Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Container gardens are easy to grow By Jodi Schneider Correspondent The weather9s warming up, and now may be the per- fect time to start a garden. Gardening is a relax- ing recreational activity that can provide great personal rewards. During this time, when many people are work- ing at home and students are learning at home, gardening can be a positive family activ- ity to adopt. For beginners looking to start gardening with small patio spaces or a deck to grow on, container gardening is the way to go. All you need is the right size container, potting soil, plants, and slow-release fertilizer. Almost anything can func- tion as a container, from an old wheelbarrow to a galva- nized tin bucket. The beauty of container gardening is that it allows you to be creative, and if you have a big enough container you can grow just about anything. Besides having pots, tubs, and half barrels overflow- ing with flowers, container gardening can serve a practi- cal purpose, too. Gardeners limited to a balcony or other small areas can produce a wide variety of vegetable crops in containers. Since going to the gro- cery store during these try- ing times can feel like an act of desperation, why not cut down on hours spent brav- ing masked lines and spend more time planting your own