Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Agenda 5 City responding to illegal tree removal Sisters City Council Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The City Council meeting will be open to the public via Zoom. Using Zoom is free of charge. The public is invited to join the meeting with your computer or telephone by going to the following link: council/page/city-council- workshop-city-council-meet- ing 5 p.m. workshop: 1. Review of Wildfire Mitigation Strategies. 2. Discussion of Reopening Framework: a. Overview of State and County Status. b. Review Communication Strategy. c. Review Emergency Declaration. d. Review Administrative Order 2020-03. e. Review City Operations: " City Hall " Campground " Recycle Center " Public Events " Board & Commission Meetings f. Business Outreach & Support 6:30 Regular Meeting: " Resolution 2020-08: Extending the State of Emergency declaration con- tained in Resolution No. 2020-06 " Resolution 2020-07: A resolution of the City of Redmond, Deschutes County and City of Sisters to spon- sor the re-designation of the Greater Redmond Enterprise Zone. By Jim Cornelius Editor in Chief A tree service company out of Redmond felled a large ponderosa pine tree on Larch Street just south of Hood Avenue last week. According to the City of Sisters, the tree was in the right-of-way of the City of Sisters, and the tree service had no authorization to bring the tree down. Cascade Tree Works owner Aidan Grady told The Nugget that the adja- cent property owner believed the tree was on his property. Grady said the tree had blue stain, evidence of beetle infestation. Regardless of its condition taking down the tree without authorization puts both the tree service and the property owner in legal jeopardy.