Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Spanish golf courses help in COVID-19 fight By Tia Duerrmeyer Correspondent BY KATHY DEGGENDORFER Editor9s note: Former S i s t e r s re s i d e n t a n d N u g g e t c o r re s p o n d e n t Tia Duerrmeyer shares a COVID-19 update from her home in the Costa del Sol area of Spain. In her com- munity private and public sectors are working together to fight the spread of the coronavirus by cleaning and disinfecting local streets, parking lots, and community areas. Tia submits the very simple, grassroots idea with the hope that it might spread beyond Spain9s borders. Atalaya Golf & Country Club is the first golf facility in Spain to offer its machin- ery and a staff member to clean and disinfect the streets and parking areas nearby its two golf courses. The cam- paign is spearheaded by Atalaya9s Director General Andrés Sánchez, who is encouraging other courses throughout Spain to join the project. Working in partnership with the municipality of Benahavis, Atalaya9s