Wednesday, May 13, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 13 Tales from a Sisters Naturalist by Jim Anderson The cost of greed 1 2 3 4 5 Life and times of the monarch butterfly: 1, monarch egg; 2, larva; 3, pupating; 4, chrysalis; 5, emerging. pollinators — this pesticide has been linked to cancer. “And now Roundup® is causing big problems for Bayer-Monsanto. Thousands of people with cancer are suing the pesti- cide giant alleging exposure to Roundup® caused their cancer. In every case that has been decided so far, judges have ruled in favor of the cancer patients. “With more lawsuits in the pipeline, the company is facing increasing scrutiny from its shareholders and the public. In response, it¾s trying to settle these cases out of court for billions of dollars. It¾s trying to keep Roundup® out of the public spotlight and on store shelves — and keep pretending that its safe.” My wife, Sue, and I have been conducting but- terfly surveys at Lava Beds National Monument ever Because of the flagrant use of the chemical Roundup, monarch butterflies no lon- ger have the milkweed to lay their eggs on. The sci- entific evidence against the use of the chemical glypho- sate (the active ingredient in Roundup) is accurate enough to take the stuff off the mar- ket, and yet it remains on our hardware shelves. Glyphosate has been linked to cancer in humans, and it is now causing seri- ous issues with the survival of our monarch butterflies, one of the chief factors in their precipitous decline in the West. Friends of the Earth just posted this news piece on their website: “Monarch butterflies have declined by 99 per- cent in the West — largely thanks to Bayer-Monsanto¾s Roundup®. But Roundup®¾s impacts go far beyond since our three kids were toddlers, anda during that time she tagged hundreds of the butterflies to study their migration patterns. Capturing and tagging mon- archs was part of our kid¾s summer for over 20 years. Last year we did not see one monarch while conduct- ing our summer r inventory in the monument. Migrating monarchs, coming north from their ary on the winter sanctuary st could not California coast weed to lay find any milkweed their eggs on when they tral arrived in Central California. Why? Because what milkweed hadn¾t been oundup- destroyed by Roundup- rs, was dead wielding farmers, igation. The by lack of irrigation. Friends of the Earth news goes on: “At the same e time, World Health Organization and the state of California have determined that glypho- sate, the key ingredient in Roundup®, is linked to cancer. Now, with more than 40,000 people suing Bayer-Monsanto over its link to their Non-Hodgkin¾s Lymphoma, the company can¾t keep hiding from the truth.” Enough is enough. With pressure mounting from consumers, scientists, and investors, now is the time for Bayer-Monsanto to cut this PHOTO BY JIM ANDERSON toxic chemical out of its port- folio. You and I, as nature enthusiasts, need to send a loud, clear, resounding mes- sage to Bayer-Monsanto and our local hardware stores: Go to Bayer AG on Google and tell ¾em what trouble they¾re in… Please, stop poi- soning people and pollinators now! Serving th e Sisters, Camp Sherman and Black Butte Ranch Areas Ponderosa Properties R E A L T O R S 541-549-2002 A N D 1-800-650-6766 P R O P E R T Y L LLC M A N A G E M E N T www. P onderosa P 221 S. Ash St., Sisters The Locals’ Choice for Real Estate Sales Kevin R. Dyer 541-480-7552 Rad Dyer 541-480-8853 CRS, GRI, Principal Broker ABR, CCIM, CRB, CRS, GRI, Principal Broker Carol Davis 541-410-1556 ABR, GRI, Broker Catherine Black 541-480-1929 Shane Lundgren 541-588-9226 Debbie Dyer 541-480-1650 Greg Davidge 808-281-2676 Jackie Herring 541-480-3157 Guy Lauziere 541-410-9241 CRS, Broker, 40+ Years Realtor Emeritus Broker GRI, Broker Broker Broker Broker