The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, May 06, 2020, Page 9, Image 9

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Wednesday, May 6, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 
Multiple candidates seek commission seat
By Jim Cornelius
Editor in Chief
Phil Henderson will seek to 
keep his seat on the Deschutes 
County Board of Commis-
sioners next November. 
Democratic  party  voters 
will choose who his rival will 
be for the seat in the May 19 
primary.  Phil  Chang,  Greg 
Bryant and  Ron Boozell  are 
vying for the nomination. 
Henderson, a Republican,
has  held  the  seat  since  his 
election  in  November  2016. 
He told The Nugget that, for 
the  foreseeable  future,  the 
commissioners are going to
be  thoroughly  absorbed  in 
response to and recovery from
the impacts of the COVID-19 
<It has identified, I think, a 
need in our county to have a 
more rapid ability to respond
to a health situation,= he said.
The  economic  fallout  of 
the shutdown enacted to slow 
the spread of the disease can9t 
be fully calculated yet, but it
is sure to be severe 4 perhaps 
representing a blow equal to
or greater than the recession 
that  slammed  the  region  a 
decade ago.
<I  don9t  know  if  we9re 
back  to  2008-09  or  not,=  he 
The  economy  will  affect 
everything  from  land  use  to 
wildfire  mitigation,  he  said. 
Henderson pointed to impor-
tant  strides  on  the  wildfire 
defense front, where he serves 
on the Deschutes Collabora-
tive Forest Council. He noted 
that  the  prescribed  burning 
program designed to provide
community  protection  has 
been put in abeyance due to
the  pandemic.  He  said  that 
Sisters needs to see more
acres treated in order to main-
tain protection.
Henderson acknowledged
that  housing  4  especially 
workforce  housing  4  has 
become an acute issue in the 
Sisters area. 
<I  support  expanding  the 
urban growth boundary when 
it9s  necessary,=  he  said.  <in 
general, there9s a shortage of 
housing in Deschutes County. 
For so many people, it9s unaf-
fordable. We9ve got to  open 
that up.=
Henderson,  who  has  a 
background as a builder, said
he  also  supports  modifying 
requirements regarding non-
resource rural land to allow
for different uses and some
housing uses.
<The whole prosperity of 
our county has a foundation 
in that we9re interspersed with 
farms and housing,= he said. 
<I believe in that.=
Phil  Chang  helped  cre-
ate the Deschutes Collabora-
tive Forest Project and served 
for several years as Senator
Jeff  Merkeley9s  field  repre-
sentative in Central Oregon. 
The long-time Bend resident 
said  that  he  is  running  for 
the Deschutes County Board 
of Commissioners because
<it9s a place where I thought 
I could plug in my experience 
and do some good.=
Chang has a strong inter-
est in issues around managing
< I f   w e   d o n 9t   g r o w 
well,  housing  availability 
decreases, traffic gets worse,
we lose our wildlife and our
quality of life decreases,= he 
Chang  believes  in  land-
efficient, pedestrian-and-bike-
friendly  mixed-use  develop-
ment,  which  he  believes  is 
applicable (and happening) in 
Sisters. He thinks that the cur-
rent commission is interested
in challenging state land-use 
laws,  which  he  thinks  is  a 
<Allowing more rural sub-
divisions  is  not  the  way  to 
go,= he said.
Chang sees transportation 
as a significant issue for the 
Sisters community, especially
for seniors.
<The county has not made 
meaningful investments in
the Cascades East transit sys-
tem,= he said. <I believe that 
if we9re going to have good 
mass transit connectivity
throughout  Central  Oregon, 
the county is going to have to 
step up and make it happen.=
Chang  believes  that  the 
county needs to invest more
in services for members of the 
community 4 and that those 
investments are cost-effective 
in the long run.
<I think you can be fiscally 
responsible, but you can also
be fiscally strategic,= he said.
Chang acknowledged that 
the financial impacts both on 
the economy and on govern-
ment budgets will have a sig-
nificant  impact  on  what  can 
and should be done over the 
next commissioner9s term of 
Greg  Bryant  moved  to 
Bend seven years ago to
retire.  As  vice  president  of 
the  Deschutes  River  Woods 
Homeowners Association, he 
has  attended  many  commis-
sion meetings and he said he 
<didn9t  necessarily  like  the 
direction they were going, so 
I decided to throw my hat in 
the ring.=
Bryant is particularly con-
cerned with accelerating wild-
fire protection activities.
<They  do  a  great  job  of 
keeping the fire fuels down, 
but  I  think  that9s  got  to  be 
done  more  because,  with 
climate change, I think we9re 
going to have drier summers 
and less water,= he said.
Bryant  said  he  is  also 
keenly interested in trans-
portation  issues,  though  he 
indicated  that  he  does  not 
have  specific  knowledge  of 
the transportation situation in 
the west county. He acknowl-
edged  that  there  is  tension 
between  the  desire  to  move 
traffic  through  the  Highway 
20 corridor and the desire of 
Sisters businesses to get that 
traffic to stop here and shop 
and dine.
Bryant  believes  his  pro-
fessional background as an
accountant  would  be  help-
ful  to  the  county  in  mak-
ing county departments as
efficient  as  possible,  as  the 
county faces the potential for 
a deep fiscal crisis due to the 
COVID-19 pandemic. 
<I9ve been through reces-
sions,= he noted.
Candidate  Ron  Boozell 
declined  a  phone  interview 
with The Nugget.
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