Wednesday, May 6, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Page by Paige By Paige Bentley-Flannery BOOKSTORE: Beloved Sisters shop needs community support Community Librarian Writers & Lovers by Lily King Are you a writer? Casey Peabody had been working on her novel for six years. She9s mending her heart and piecing her life back together after her mother9s sudden death and the end of a love affair. While all of her friends have moved on with success- ful careers and family life, she9s living in Cambridge, Massachusetts, waiting tables in Harvard Square and writ- ing in a tiny rented room. She9s emotional and stuck without a plan. When two very different lovers enter her life, is one a better fit than the other? Both are writ- ers and the conversations are engaging and literary. But can she handle her own feel- ings while balancing the pres- sure of finishing her book and being in a relationship? How will she move forward? King delivers a novel filled with hope, friendship and romance. Readers will appreciate the honest strug- gles of a writer, the publish- ing world, and finding time to write. Join The Library Book Club to discuss