The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, May 06, 2020, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, May 6, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Glimpses of Sisters:
By Karen Keady
I began writing Glimpses 
of  Sisters  when  an  out  of 
town friend emailed and
asked  me,  <So,  how  are 
things  in  Mayberry?=  She 
was  treated  to  the  long 
answer.  Today  during  this 
time  fraught  with  angst,  I 
want to write about opti-
mism,  which  is  sometimes 
difficult to foster, even dur-
ing <normal= times.
I  have  a  <Business  For 
Sale=  sign  planted  in  front 
of  a  business  that  is  closed 
by executive order 20-12. I 
find  that  somewhat  amus-
ing and maybe a great sign
of optimism 4 or that I am 
too busy painting my kitchen 
and doing yard work to take
it down.
The other day I witnessed 
five  tiny  ants  on  a  butcher 
block table attempting to
haul away a chunk of corn-
bread  10  times  their  size. 
They  kept  dropping  it,  or, 
one of the ants did. I imag-
ined  the  ant  conversation, 
<Jeez, Herb, can9t you hold 
up your end for crying out
loud!=  Herb  says,  <Sorry 
Al,  I  hurt  one  of  my  legs 
and Heckle and Jekyll over
there are pretty wimpy too!= 
I  allowed  the  ants  to  carry 
on  because  I  have  read  too 
many great articles by Jim
Anderson to kill anything. 
Everything  pretty  much 
survives around here.
A couple of weeks ago,
in  a  store  parking  lot,  I 
witnessed  another  sign  of 
McKenzie Highway is not open
optimism. A customer push-
ing out a cart out with three 
packages of toilet paper
aboard was stopped by
another  customer  walking 
into the store. As I watched 
from a distance the body lan-
guage needed no conversa-
tion. Head shaking, shoulder 
shrugging,  open  hands,  led 
me to understand what was 
being  said.  The  customer 
with  the  three  packages  of 
T.P.  reached  into  her  cart 
and  handed  the  other  cus-
tomer  one  of  her  coveted 
purchases. The  best  part  of 
this exchange was when the 
receiver  of  the  T.P.  began 
to extract money to pay
the  giver,  the  lady  shook 
her  head.  No.  No  payment 
required.  The  receiver  put 
her hands in prayer position 
as her thank you.
When I was at the service 
station to fill up my little car
the other day, the attendant 
told a story of an invention of
some sort he has created and 
has a patent attorney working 
with him on it. Perhaps we 
will see him on TV on that 
show that features new and 
creative ideas. From service 
station attendant to entrepre-
neur!  He  seemed  optimis-
tic  about  it.  His  story  was 
refreshing, especially in this 
negative political climate. I 
do not want to hear his opin-
ion about politics, nor does
he want to hear mine, since I 
was a captive audience as he 
filled my gas tank.
Small kindnesses, small
town life, observations and
life in Mayberry.
Want to get away?
While  ODOT  has  fin-
ished its plowing operations 
on the east side of McKenzie 
Pass, the road is not open 4 
to  anyone  4  and  won9t  be 
until mid-June.
The status of the roadway 
from the eastern snow gate 
to  the  summit  has  been  a 
point of confusion and con-
tention for several years.
ODOT  plows  a  single 
lane through the snow on the 
road during the spring, and 
then  lets  snowmelt  do  the 
rest. Once the snow is melted 
off,  work  crews  sweep  the 
roadway to clear debris, dirt
and  gravel,  and  patch  pot-
holes created over the win-
ter. Opening of the highway 
used  to  be  arbitrary  4  the 
gate  was  opened  whenever 
the  work  was  done.  For 
the  past  several  years,  the 
agency has determined upon 
a  consistent  third-Monday-
in-June opening. 
During  the  plowing  and 
maintenance  period,  the 
roadway is closed to traffic. 
However, cyclists and walk-
ers  go  around  the  gate  to 
use the roadway and public 
perception  has  grown  that 
the road is open for cyclists 
141 E. Cascade, Ste. 104
Bring us your trade-ins
and low-mileage
Happy Mother’S
4 car-free. That perception 
has  been  promoted  exten-
sively in the past and again 
recently in local media
4  and  ODOT  Region  4 
Director  Gary  Farnsworth 
really wants it corrected.
<It9s  not  open,=  he  told 
The Nugget. <The sign says 
8Road Closed.9=
Farnsworth  noted  in  an 
email communication to a
couple of Sisters residents
last  weekend,  <as  of  last 
week or so we have removed 
the  8authorized  personnel 
only9 sign, because we have 
not been conducting any
operations,  which  was  the 
exact purpose of the sign. If 
and  when  we  need  to  con-
duct additional operations,
we  will  post  the  signing 
The main issue is safety; 
the road is not maintained for 
cyclists. And with COVID-
19  restrictions  in  place, 
Farnsworth  feels  an  even 
greater sense of urgency that 
the roadway not be used.
<For  everyone9s  safety 
ODOT does not want folks 
wandering  up  past  the  gate 
while they9re working there, 
especially if they have a sign 
posted  8authorized  person-
nel  only,9=  he  said.  <And 
for  everyone9s  wellness  in 
potential  use  of  the  route, 
ODOT  is  concerned  about 
the ability for folks to prac-
tice social distancing in
In  his  e-mail  and  a  sub-
sequent  conversation  with 
The Nugget,  Farnsworth 
acknowledged that there will 
inevitably be use of the road, 
regardless of closure gates
and signage.
<At  the  same  time,  and 
while  the  gates  are  closed 
into  mid-June,  we  recog-
nize  that  many  people  will 
continue to make their own 
choices  traveling  by  other 
than  car  or  truck  or  RV, 
and are able to get around
or over the gates to use the 
section  of  highway  beyond 
those  gates,=  he  said.  <We 
(ODOT  Region  4)  do  not 
conduct enforcement of the 
closure  other  than  the  gat-
ing, and we do not expect
other organizations (such as 
USFS  or  law  enforcement) 
to  conduct  enforcement. 
Therefore, such users of the 
roadway are entering at their 
own risk.=
Farnsworth  told  The
Nugget that he plans to con-
tinue to press for a wider
understanding that the road 
is not open to cycling prior
to the mid-June opening.
Stay healthy and we
will see you soon!
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