The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, May 06, 2020, Page 18, Image 18

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Wednesday, May 6, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
RPA student wins writing prize
By Ceili Cornelius
Al  Lehto  is  the  recipient 
of the inaugural student writ-
ing prize from the Waterston 
Desert  Writing  Prize  com-
petition. The winning piece, 
titled  <The  Badlands,= 
reflects  Lehto9s  passion  for 
storytelling and experiences
in the high desert of Central 
Lehto  (preferred  pro-
nouns:  they,  their,  them)  is 
a graduating senior from
Redmond Proficiency
Academy and will be attend-
ing the University of Oregon 
in the fall to study early edu-
cation. Lehto chose to study 
early  education,  hopefully 
teaching  in  the  humanities 
and literature department,
because of the mentors they 
had in high school.
<I had wonderful mentors 
from RPA and they inspired 
me to be a mentor and were
helpful in assisting me in tak-
ing the leap,= Lehto said.
Lehto  has  had  many  life 
experiences that led to to find 
writing as a passion.
<I  have  a  true  passion 
for  telling  stories,  it  is  how 
I  express  myself  and  writ-
ing  helps  me  arrange  my 
thoughts,= Lehto said. 
Lehto was one of a num-
ber  of  young  writers  who 
submitted  an  essay  to  the 
contest, including several
from Sisters High School.
As a graduating senior,
Lehto  was  always  on  the 
lookout  for  scholarship 
opportunities and would gen-
erally gravitate towards writ-
ing contests. The Waterston 
Desert  Writing  Prize  was 
listed as a contest to enter
and they saw it as an oppor-
tunity to offer a part of their 
personal life that other con-
tests  didn9t  accept.  The 
prompt for the student prize 
was a memoir piece about
the  high  desert.  Their  rela-
tionship  with  their  mother 
is based off experiences in
the desert, so they wrote the 
piece called <The Badlands.= 
Lehto9s  mother  is  an  artist 
and would spend most days
when she was off work, out 
in  the  Central  Oregon  bad-
lands,  painting  and  sketch-
ing. When Lehto was young, 
they resented the desert envi-
ronment because they moved 
from  the  warm  and  green 
valley  that  was  home,  and 
<I  had  a  very  flawed  view 
of the desert. But it was my 
mother9s  favorite  environ-
ment to be in and when I was 
younger I often didn9t under-
stand why she would choose 
to  go  out  there  on  her  own 
and be away from family.=
I n   t h e   p i e c e  L e h t o 
describes beginning to under-
stand that people need emo-
tional support from nature
and not just from people, and 
that the desert was that sup-
port for their mother.
<I regret the way I treated 
my  mother  when  I  was 
younger,  but  as  I  began  to 
understand  her  connection 
to the Badlands and its cre-
ated more of a connection
between her and I and I am 
proud of that,= Lehto said.
Their  mother  has  now 
completed a sketched map of 
the  Badlands  and  continues 
to paint and sketch out there. 
It was important to Lehto 
to write this piece because it 
was on a <tentative= subject 
from their life and the rela-
tionship with their mother.
<I  wasn9t  sure  I  wanted 
to put this piece out there at 
first because it is so personal
and the relationship is flawed 
and it was a tough time in our 
life,= Lehto said.
They  decided  to  submit 
the piece with the support of 
their mother.
<My mom is supportive of 
the success and that is what 
means the most to me  right 
now,= Lehto said. 
The  Waterston  Desert 
Writing  Prize9s  mission,  as 
stated  by  their  website,  <is  Al Lehto won the inaugural Waterston Desert Writing Prize student
to strengthen and support the  competition.
literary  arts  and  humanities 
in  the  high  desert  region  of 
the Northwest through recog-
nition of literary excellence
in nonfiction writing about
desert  landscapes,  through 
community interaction with 
the  winning  authors  of  the 
annual  prize,  and  presenta-
tions and programs that take 
place in association with the 
er ving
ters S
ce 196
541-549-1026 188 W. Sisters Park S Serving
Dr. In Sisters Industrial Park
Lehto  had  a  connection 
to  the  prompt  because  they 
knew it was an opportunity to
write about their relationship 
with their mother, while also 
still writing about a connec-
tion the high desert in which 
they live.
<I  generally  gravitate 
towards writing prompts that 
I have some sort of personal 
connection to. I enjoy writing 
with some sort of structure,= 
Lehto said.
Lehto9s writing process is 
simple: <I write the piece in 
one  swoop  after  organizing 
Take Mom on a
Scenic Drive…
Mother’s Day!
See WRITING PRIZE on page 19
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