LETTERS Continued from page 8 taken on the mantle of these values, Cliff has a proven record of unambiguous conservative leadership. We need the honesty, integrity and work ethic Cliff has always demonstrated and he will take those values with him to Washington, D.C. as our congressional representative. Cliff is an authentic person. He did not show up a few months ago presenting himself as an Eastern Oregonian. He didn9t need to as he was born here. He does not stick his finger in the air to see which way the wind is blow- ing and then craft positions which would be most advantageous to winning a given elec- tion. Cliff9s positions don9t change for politi- cal expediency. We need his wisdom and leadership in Washington, D.C. now more than ever. Please join me in voting Cliff Bentz for U.S. Representative, 2nd District. Andy Sichler s s s To the Editor: A quick shout out to 2020 graduating seniors 4 my daughter being one of them. Yes, this kind of sucks. However, just a few quick thoughts: You are a unique group in a very unique time. I can barely remember my high school graduation, though I am pretty sure I received a diploma. (Quick shout out to current and any possible future employers: I9m practi- cally positive I graduated. Undoubtedly, with a bunch of Latin sounding condiments on my degree. No need to check.) Though the conclusion of your high school chapter probably feels very anticlimactic, you will never forget this surreal but very real, awful, bonding, screwed up period in time. This will definitely be one to bore the grandkids with. Seniors, your final game was not rained out. Rather, you are part of that small group that happens to be in the stands to witness a rare no-hitter. Not to suggest that this horrible virus is anything to cel- ebrate, but it is truly historic. And you were there. As the great philosopher Mike Tyson once mused,