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Wednesday, May 6, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
SOS: Community,
schools embrace 
Continued from page 1
high school staff. Though the 
program is relatively new, it
is already having an impact, 
according to Bradley. 
Bradley  said,  <Sources 
of  Strength  is  a  proactive 
positive culture program that 
spreads  messages  of  hope, 
help,  and  strength  across 
existing  social  networks. 
Although Sources of Strength 
has been around for decades, 
the  program  is  just  getting 
started  at  SHS. As  a  result, 
our  Sources  of  Strength 
team is putting on a series of
events in order to promote
the program and support our 
community during this diffi-
cult time.=
Bradley and a dozen SOS 
student  mentors  have  put 
together a Sources of Strength 
care package that is being sent 
out to all high school students 
and their families via regular 
mail as well as through email 
this week. A link to the entire 
package can be found at the 
end  of  this  article  as  well 
as  through  a  QR  code  (see 
graphic)  that  allows  for  the 
download of all the materials 
through a smartphone. 
Sources  of  Strength, 
which  is  an  international 
organization, uses a colorful 
wheel  graphic  to  illustrate 
the eight components that the 
program emphasizes related 
to where human beings find 
their  sources  of  strength. 
These  eight  components 
include family support, posi-
tive friends, mentors, positive
activities,  generosity,  spiri-
tuality,  physical  health,  and 
mental health.
Bradley  and  his  students 
designed  the  care  package 
to promote actions related
to  these  concepts  includ-
ing  a  <Weekly  Workout,=  a 
personal  bingo-like  game 
dubbed  <Outlaws  Quingo= 
and a <Scavenger Hunt.= 
The  Weekly  Workout 
includes suggestions for
things  to  do  each  day 
associated with each of 
the  eight  wheel  com-
ponents.  For  example, 
under Generosity a per-
son  might  check  in  on 
their neighbor, thank an 
essential worker, or donate
to a charity. Under Mentor a 
person  could  contact  some-
one who has supported them 
and ask for a book, film or
music recommendation. 
Outlaw  Quingo  is  simi-
lar  in  that  the  quingo  card 
includes 25 boxes with sug-
gested activities to do, so
participants can read through 
the  quingo  card  and  decide 
which  direction  to  take  for 
that day. Suggestions include 
things  like  enjoy  the  out-
doors, sing or dance, read a
book for pleasure, or make
plans with a friend for after 
the quarantine. 
Samantha  Ryan  helped 
modify  the  game  to  fit  the 
Outlaws and said, <Everyone 
loves bingo and you can have 
a  little  fun  during  this  time 
and stay connected and pull
from your sources of strength. 
We  are  hoping  that  people 
from beyond the school com-
munity will take part.=
Q u i n g o   p l a y e r s   a r e 
encouraged to add their par-
ticipation to their Instagram 
story  and  tag  the  Sisters 
SOS account to become eli-
gible  for  some  raffle  prizes 
in  the  form  of  gift  cards  to 
local  businesses  that  have 
been provided by a variety of
anonymous donors. 
The  Scavenger  Hunt 
includes  using  the  provided 
Sisters Strong poster and
adding  a  message  to  it  that 
exemplifies  something  that 
makes  us  stronger.  People 
are  asked  to  hang  a  com-
pleted poster where it would 
be  visible  from  the  street. 
Senior  Maddison Anderson 
explained,  <This  is  just  one 
more way to spread that posi-
tivity and hope that Sources 
1. Family Support: This strength comes from the love
and support you get from family members.
2. Positive Friends: This strength comes from the
connection and direction you get from your good friends.
of  Strength  is  all  about. As 
people are out on a walk and
see the posters it may cause 
them to have a conversation 
about it.=
The group is also planning 
a campaign to send notes to
Sisters High School students 
through <snail mail,= accord-
ing to students Anna Mensing 
and  Rachel  Dale.  Members 
of the SOS team hope to send 
notes of hope to all students 
and in turn encourage them to 
do the same for other people 
in their lives. 
Sydney  Wilkins  said,  <I 
think there is a lot of possibil-
ity for a really strong impact
for SOS as a positive culture 
program, including how we 
can recover from bad things 
that  have  happened  and  by 
focusing on good things and 
things that make us better and 
Skylar  Wilkins  added, 
<We are trying to reach peo-
ple now who are not in school 
and who may be feeling dis-
connected because that con-
nectedness  is  the  one  thing 
that  really  helps,  especially 
in times like this.=
She  also  wanted  to 
express her sincere gratitude 
for the financial support for 
this  program  from  anony-
mous donors.
<We are sending out mail-
ings, printing materials and
doing all sorts of stuff that we 
couldn9t do without the gen-
erosity of donors. We want to 
thank  them  somehow  since 
we don9t know who they are, 
but we honestly couldn9t do 
3. Mentors: This strength comes from the wisdom
and guidance you get from your adult mentors.
4. Positive Activities: Strength comes from the satisfaction
you feel when you do good things that you love.
5. Generosity: This strength comes from the
joy you feel when you do good things for others.
6. Spirituality: This strength comes from fostering faith, getting
connected, and practicing gratitude.
7. Physical Health: This strength comes from caring for
your body by hydrating, resting, exercising, eating right,
and going to the doctor (among other things).
8. Mental health: This strength comes from the healthy ways
you cope when you’re feeling worried, sad, or angry.
what we need to do without 
Those who want or need 
to connect to the care pack-
age documents directly can
access the do so through the 
google document link: https://
The group has plans in the 
works for a number of other 
outreaches to students in the 
weeks to come, according to
Bradley is grateful for the 
tremendous  support  for  the 
SOS program. 
<This  program  probably 
wouldn9t have gotten off the 
ground  without  the  gener-
ous donations and incredible
wisdom of many community
members,= he said. <The pro-
gram has also been embraced 
by  all  of  our  administra-
tors, teachers, and other staff 
members.  Together,  we  are 
bringing this program to life 
at Sisters High School.=
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