Wednesday, May 6, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 11 Social distancing on Jack Creek Trail By Craig F. Eisenbeis Columnist The coronavirus and social distancing have affected us all. Unlike downtown city dwellers, however, we have a lot more freedom to move about, without risking that dreaded human contact. My hiking buddy and I resolved not to let the current situation completely freeze us out of one of our favorite activities. Still, virus cautions have disrupted our usual routine. For example, carpooling is now out; so, more distant destinations with two vehi- cles are less attractive since we can9t take turns driving just one car. Car drops for one-way hikes are also out. As a result, we9ve been opt- ing for shorter, closer out- ings; and you can9t get much closer or shorter than the Jack Creek Trail. The Jack Creek Trail is a short, flat trail in a park-like setting, with a truly remark- able natural phenomenon as a destination objective. I have even seen families with strollers on this trail. To the hardcore hiker, though, it might be a stretch to call it a hike. Maybe an