The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, April 29, 2020, Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, April 29, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Local company fills need Brown planning phased ‘reopening’
for immune support
By Jim Cornelius
Editor in Chief
While much of Sisters
has shut down to slow the
spread of the coronavi-
rus, Personalized Nutrients
ramped up its operations in
its manufacturing facility on
North Pine Street.
While customer service
and sales staff are work-
ing from home, the manu-
facturing plant is humming
4 producing custom for-
mulations of high-quality
Zoe Noe, the company9s
operations manager, told
The Nugget, <We9ve added
staff, we9ve hired temps, we
had mandatory overtime for
two weeks just to keep up.=
Personalized Nutrients
produces customized formu-
las for supplements that doc-
tors provide to their patients
or offer in their clinics.
The formulas are research-
based and of tested quality.
Demand has been high for
formulas that support the
immune system.
<We certainly have seen
an uptick in immune supple-
ments during this time,= Noe
She noted that many doc-
tors have pivoted to telemed-
icine during the COVID-19
shutdown, and the com-
pany9s model for ordering,
producing and delivering
its products is well-suited to
that model.
By creating customized
formulas with Personalized
Nutrients, doctors are able
to tailor supplement support
specifically to each patients
needs and profile. It9s a very
different proposition to sim-
ply buying a jar of vitamins
off the shelf at the store.
In addition to creating
patient-specific formulas,
Personalized Nutrients is
able to offer an assurance of
<This is completely
made-to-order supplements,
and all of our components
have to pass our rigorous
quality standards,= Noe said.
<We have a really, really
strong quality system.=
The company9s website
notes that, <The highest
level of quality and effi-
cacy is our core competency
as evidenced by our GMP
compliant manufacturing
facility and our willingness
to be completely transparent
about the raw materials you
can choose from.=
The company has proved
a beacon of good news for
people who have lost jobs
due to the shutdown. Noe
has referred some of their
temps to neighboring Laird
Superfoods, where they
have been able to land jobs.
She noted one couple that
had both been laid off and
ended up a month later with
jobs in Sisters.
Personalized Nutrients
has also made a point of
supporting local restaurants
during the shutdown. They
ordered dinners for their
crew during the manda-
tory overtime period, and
have continued to bring
in lunches and coffee and
Noe said that everyone at
the company is glad to have
work during a growing eco-
nomic crisis 4 and to have
the opportunity to help the
community and customers
who seek to boost and pro-
tect their health in the face
of a serious threat.
<We9re extremely grate-
ful,= Noe said. <Nobody is
taking anything for granted
right now.=
For more information,
visit www.personalized-
Oregonians may have a
clearer picture of a roadmap
to recovery during the first
week of May.
A presentation by
Governor Kate Brown dated
April 20 lays out a tentative
three-phase plan for lifting
<Stay At Home, Save Lives=
restrictions, a plan that is
expected to be more fully
lined out during the week
of May 4. The presentation
keys off of Trump admin-
istration guidelines that say
that <reopening= requires
downward trajectories during
a 14-day period of influenza-
like illnesses, COVID-19-like
cases, of documented cases or
of positive tests as a percent
of total tests. They also call
for <surge capacity= in health-
care systems and <robust test-
ing and contact tracing.=
Brown9s presentation
indicates that metrics would
be modified to reflect condi-
tions in rural counties that
have few or no confirmed
cases. Counties would be
able to request opening with
positive recommendations
from county health authori-
ties and local hospitals and
a vote of the governing body
certifying hospital capacity
and sufficient personal pro-
tective equipment for first
Phase 1 begins at the
Governor9s direction after all
case status and health system
preparedness criteria are met.
As it stands now, Brown9s
plan would likely keep sports
arenas, churches, bars and
gyms closed through phase
one. A work group is to pre-
pare a plan for allowing sit-
down dining. People out in
public, including parks and
outdoor recreation areas,
would be encouraged to max-
imize physical distance from
others. Workers would be
encouraged to continue tele-
working wherever possible.
If health criteria hold for
14 days after initiating Phase
1, the state could then move
on to Phase 2, where gather-
ing sizes could go to 50 and
non-essential travel could
resume. Gyms and bars
could reopen in Phase 2, with
physical distancing require-
ments. Phase 3 would allow
an unspecified increase in
permitted size of gatherings,
unrestricted staffing at
worksites; visitors could be
allowed at nursing homes and
bars and restaurants could
have more seating.
Each phase is dependent
upon the continued down-
ward trend of cases.
A tentative timeline
extrapolated from the pre-
sentation appears to have
Oregon moving toward the
initiation of a Phase 1 reopen-
ing somewhere around the
third week in May, with sub-
sequent phases initiated no
earlier than 14 days after suc-
cessfully moving through the
previous phase. That would
place Phase 3 possibly initiat-
ing somewhere around mid-
to-late June.
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