8 Wednesday, April 15, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Tales from a Sisters Naturalist by Jim Anderson Homes for birds, bats, and butterflies It9s spring and cavity- nesting birds are looking for homes to raise babies in. In last week9s Nugget, Jodi Schneider offered a wonder- ful birdwatching piece, and suggested you build them homes. OK, here9s how to do it. Head out to the nearest housing construction proj- ect, and if they9re using ply- wood (not particle board), ask the builders to put their rems (wood remnants) aside in a pile and when the job9s done, go by with a box of donuts, give it to the build- ers, bring the plywood home and start building birdhouse nesting boxes. (I have been building nesting boxes for well over 40 years, and in that period of time I have never had a builder say no, and some/ most of them have been kind enough to help me load the rems into my pickup). This is not only a good way to recycle the excess wood, but your opportunity to really put your personal effort into supplying a much Sisters salutes... " Sisters School District sent out a thank you out to Ray9s Food Place for donating grocery bags for material pickups for all three schools last week (see story, page 1). Gary Thorson of SSD said,