Wednesday, April 15, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon County allocates funding for COVID-19 response Commentary... County Clerk reminds voters of deadlines Bull by Bull By Judy Bull Columnist The next election in Deschutes County is the Oregon Presidential Primary Election. Despite the many challenges brought by COVID-19, this statewide election will be held on Tuesday, May 19. Oregon9s Vote By Mail elections allow voters to stay at home and vote early. Each of Deschutes County9s more than 144,400 regis- tered voters will be mailed a ballot on Wednesday, April 29. Deschutes County Elections reminds voters that Tuesday, April 28, is the voter registration dead- line for the primary elec- tion. Oregon voters with an Oregon DMV number can register to vote online at register or fill out a paper Oregon Voter Registration Card, which is available at the U.S. Post Office or online. Tuesday, April 28, is also the party choice dead- line. Voters who wish to vote in the Democratic or Republican closed primary elections need to be regis- tered as a member of that party by the deadline. Voters can update their party affili- ation online at www.oregon Voters who are not affiliated with a major party will receive a non-partisan ballot that will The Deschutes County Commissioners and Deschutes County Sheriff L. Shane Nelson have allo- cated $500,000 in emergency response funding for immedi- ate COVID-19-related needs in Deschutes County. The funds will allow the County to purchase additional ventilators, personal protec- tive equipment (PPE) and other supplies that will help expand regional capacity and help to keep first responders and the community safe.