12 Wednesday, April 15, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Commentary... The needs of the many? By Tom Donahue Guest Columnist Despite all the news and analysis we hear every eve- ning, there appear to be many tough questions not being asked or answered. We get the mounting death toll and personal tragedy/heart- warming coping stories, but very little in the way of hard facts. It9s difficult not to become depressed, anxious, and hys- terical, especially when little else is talked about. But then, facts and rational unbiased reporting don9t boost ratings and low ratings don9t sell advertising. So let9s look at some of the facts. Following are CDC esti- mates for total cases and deaths for all types of influ- enza and for COVID-19 only. Included are the esti- mates for this flu season, a projected range for any flu season, and the worst year since the CDC began using their current method of esti- mating the total flu burden in the U.S. Est. Range (2010 - 2019) Worst Season (2017/18) This Season (thru 4/4) T h e C u re v s . T h e Disease While it can be argued that even one death is too many and that all this social distancing/business shut- down is everyone9s moral duty and not too great a price to pay for a few months, what about the 330 million- plus who are imprisoned in their own homes or the many millions who have lost their jobs? Many of whom can9t afford to lose their income for even a few weeks? Or the long-term economic impact to companies, indi- viduals, and the govern- ment of the U.S. shutdown and subsequent proposed bailout? Isn9t that going to bank- rupt the economy for a long time? There are some practical questions: " How does this flu season compare with others? " Once you get over the coronavirus, are you immune from then on? Unknown, but one of the research projects being touted is the use of antibodies from coronavirus survivors. " Are we going to go through this shutdown every year when a new pandemic rears its ugly head? I hope not. " Would the population as a whole be better off letting the virus rage through, taking those it will, then leaving the rest of us healthier and more immune to a new strain of virus? A real tough question. Any politician or busi- ness owner who had the gall to suggest that we carry on as