Wednesday, April 8, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 17 Hooked on digital devices? Seven steps to sanity By T. Lee Brown Correspondent Hooked on the news or constantly checking digital devices during the COVID crisis? Is it making you more miserable and anxious? You are by no means alone. The following steps can help you get a grip on the situation and your own state of mind. Featured in today9s approach is Catherine Price, founder of the Screen/Life Balance program and author of How to Break Up with your Phone. 1. Assess: For three days, keep close track of your media and digital device input. Using pen and paper, not an app, jot down the time you spend with various media, movies, news, email, even personal conversations and books. Here9s the impor- tant part: note how each input made you feel. Set aside 15 minutes before bedtime to look at your list. Note any trends. Which input inspired you? Which amped up your anxi- ety? If you checked the news 50 times, did any result in genuinely useful information that you could act upon? 2. Media plan: Make a media plan for yourself. Price says this allows your prefron- tal cortex, the rational part of the brain, to take command over the freaked-out primitive part of the brain (see related story, page 3). Ask yourself: How many times am I going to check the news today, and what sources am I going to use?