Wednesday, April 1, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 9 Legislature to consider relief for arts Foundation seeks permit for arts on ranch Arts organizations across the state 4 including those in Sisters 4 have been heav- ily impacted by the shut- down in place to slow the spread of COVID-19. Nonprofit cultural organi- zations in Sisters across the state have canceled perfor- mances, events and activi- ties 4 including key fund- raising events 4 and most have closed their doors to the public. In response to commu- nication from the Oregon Cultural Trust, its Statewide Partners and arts and cul- tural organizations across the state, Governor Kate Brown directed the agency to explore opportunities to identify relief funding to address the devastat- ing impact the COVID-19 health crisis is having on Oregon9s arts and cultural community. As of March 24, 423 Oregon cultural organiza- tions had already reported financial losses to-date of $8,611,881 with data still being collected from more than 1,000 organizations. The loss of projected earned income, lifeblood for most cultural organizations, has already resulted in sig- nificant layoffs and fur- loughs, with many more to come if relief doesn9t arrive soon. Many organi- zations are already facing bankruptcy and permanent closure. In addition, cancellations of events and programming, as well as school closures, have adversely affected hundreds of artists and cul- tural workers whose liveli- hoods depend on income from teaching, performing and participating in cultural activities. Following consulta- tion with the Governor9s Office, Business Oregon and its Statewide Partners, including sister agency the Oregon Arts Commission, the Cultural Trust Board of Directors held an emer- gency meeting on Saturday, March 21, and unanimously voted to use up to $10 mil- lion of its $29 million per- manent fund to create an emergency relief funding program. Because the current Cultural Trust statute does not contain a provision for emergency relief fund- ing, the program requires approval by the Oregon Legislature. A concept for consideration by the Legislature is being devel- oped and will be presented during an anticipated special session within the next few weeks. The Cultural Trust will convene a committee of stakeholders to fully and quickly develop and imple- ment an emergency funding program that is equitable and easy to use to expedite funding. In a news release, The Oregon Cultural Trust stated that the Trust9s