The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, April 01, 2020, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, April 1, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
sports season is lost
for senior students
Continued from page 3
will not be able to finish.=
Senior Sierra Henneous, a
student in Rick Johnson9s
Americana Project (a class
that teaches students to write
and record original music on
guitar), fears that <our annual
Americana CD will be heav-
ily affected because of the
cancellation= as we have had
to cancel recording our music
for the CD at a local studio
until further notice.
The shutdown of the high
school has also affected the
spring sports teams. Senior
Quinlan Crowe expressed
that the shut down <cancels
all practices and meets until
after the school opens again,=
Unfortunately for Crowe
who plays tennis, April 28 <is
the end of the season which
means I just do not get to
play tennis this final year of
my high school career.=
Junior Pearl Gregg noted
that the lacrosse team 4
which is supported by Sisters
Park & Recreation District
rather than the high school 4
is in a similar situation and
explained that <if we were to
return to school on the 28th
of April that would only leave
us 11 days left of the regular
[lacrosse] season.=
Senior students fear that
their prom and graduation 4
things they have dreamed of
since their educational jour-
neys began 4 will be can-
celled. Mansfield noted that,
<It9s concerning to know that
we could lose our graduation,
we could lose our prom, but
even more than that it9s more
concerning to know that we
really have no idea how long
this is going to go on, or what
the true consequences of it all
will be.=
Even though the students
may be worried, there are still
positives they can take away
from time off. Freshman
Lauren Taylor pointed out
that following the end of the
shutdown, <hopefully stu-
dents will understand that
coming to school everyday,
and staying from 8:30 to 3:20
is not something to hate.=
Taylor, as well as many
other students like Gregg,
have pointed out that even
though we complain about
school, we all know that
<school is where we all see
each other and it is such
a huge part of our young
lives. At this point, it9s hard
to know what to do without
each other and without being
at school in general,= Gregg
Many high school stu-
dents are making the most of
their time at home, despite
the unfortunate circum-
stances. They are practicing
social distancing while
spending time with their
loved ones and being pro-
ductive at home. For many
seniors who go off to college
or out into the real world next
year, Crowe pointed out that
they can embrace this time
as a time to <spend time with
family and enjoy their com-
pany before heading off next
She also notes that person-
ally she is <using this time to
stop, relax, and think about
the future.= Senior Evan
Martinez says he9s <been try-
ing to stay on top of what I
can. I am currently taking
two online classes, and I am
making sure that I am caught
up in both.= Henneous has
been making the most of her
time at home as well and has
<mostly been working on my
AP art portfolio. I9ve also
been working a lot on music
as well.=
Even though COVID-19
has caused a lot of worry
and confusion, there9s a lot
we can take from this expe-
rience, as pointed out by
seniors Evan Martinez and
Allison Mansfield. Martinez
notes that <moments like
these teach us a lot about who
we are as humans and how
we react in a crisis.= Which
is why it9s important, as
Mansfield says, <that we all
stay together and we support
each other no matter what9s
going on.=
Continued from page 2
Sure it9s not easy, believe me I know with
two kids 12 and 14 bored out of their minds
locked inside. But I DON9T CARE; tough it
out! The message needs to be that these peo-
ple9s lives are NOT better than this commu-
nity and the elderly that live here.
I am not saying you need to lock yourself
in a dungeon. Go for walks on trails where
there are no other people or people are scarce.
I think we all know that around here that it a
very viable option. Go for a walk around your
neighborhood or a bike ride. But stay clear of
clustering in town.
People are not taking this seriously and
sadly will not till it is far too late.
Patrick Tougas
To the Editor:
OK, I9m a little late with this, but I just
want to say it9s good to see Craig Rullman9s
ruminations in print again.
For way too long I9ve been checking every
Wednesday for a Bunkhouse column, only to
be disappointed. I thought maybe he9d given
up on writing for us, but finally last week
(March18) there he was.
Encourage him to be a little more frequent
with his submissions, will you? And maybe
at the same time tell him it9s OK to voice a
controversial opinion when he has one. Some
of us enjoy seeing our own thoughts in print,
as a reminder we9re not alone out here.
Jerry Wright
To the Editor:
I was agreeing with David Purviance9s let-
ter to the editor (Mar 25) until he stepped into
the sewer by naming what he considers to be
the most reliable news sources. Those he lists
have lied to the American people repeatedly
for more than three years. When one lie is
proven incorrect, they don9t apologize or cor-
rect the record, they just move on to another
sensational lie. Their sole purpose is to take
down a duly elected president. Remember
the lies they encouraged Michael Avenatti to
propagate? Remember Stormy Daniels9 lies?
Remember the Russia lie? Remember
Robert Mueller9s band of Trump-hating,
left-wing lawyers, who found no evi-
dence of wrongdoing by Trump? Yes, they
did find campaign associates who have
admitted to committing crimes (none of
which are about colluding with Russia).
Remember the FISA lies? Remember the
impeachment fiasco they knew would be
proven true and would remove President
Remember they castigated Trump for
restricting flights from China? Oh, they are
now claiming he didn9t act soon enough.
Remember they praised New York Governor
Cuomo for criticizing Trump two months
ago when the governor declared there was no
threat from COVID-19? Do they now praise
Cuomo for declaring Trump didn9t act soon
enough and for not sending enough supplies
to New York?
He doesn9t like Fox News, and some-
times I don9t either, but Hannity, for instance,
has never been proven wrong on the illegal
activities he and his investigative reporters
have unearthed that came from the upper
leaders of the DOJ and FBI. In fact, issues
that I doubted initially have been proven
I do agree with most of Mr. Purviance9s
letter: Be cautious about texts, tweets,
e-mails. Let me add, listen to news cautiously
and don9t be repeatedly duped by lies. I pray
we all stay safe.
John Miller
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