4 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Roundhouse offers support The Roundhouse Foundation, based in Sisters, recognizes that everyone in our community and beyond has been affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The foun- dation is working to encour- age sustainability of non- profit partners during and after this unprecedented time. The Foundation has extended their grant report- ing timeline for organizations who are currently using grant funds from the organization by 60 days. The Roundhouse Foundation9s grant appli- cation is still live 3 with applications due on April 1 and October 1. The Trustees encourage organizations to apply as planned. While the Roundhouse Foundation remains aligned with the mis- sion and policies set forth by our bylaws, the Trustees wish to focus the 2020 grant cycle to support the sustain- ability of current and poten- tial partners. In addition, they welcome proposals which would support program- ming for those most affected by COVID-19, for instance through: " Child care services dur- ing school closures. " Mitigation of social isolation and mental health support. " Educational opportuni- ties for K-12 students. " Internet access for those learning/working from home. " Housing and utility sup- port/food security.