20 Wednesday, March 25, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon C L A S S I F I E D S Sisters Tree Care, LLC Preservation, Pruning, Removals & Storm Damage Serving All of Central Oregon Brad Bartholomew ISA Cert. Arborist UT-4454A 503-914-8436 " CCB #218444 SISTERS' OLDEST & BEST TREE SERVICE! (Formerly Bear Mountain since 1997) Providing high risk removals, trims/prunes on native/non-native trees, stump grinding, forestry thinning/mowing, light excavation. Firewood. Free estimates gladly! 10% lower than your lowest bid! Your satisfaction is our guarantee! EagleCreekFire@yahoo.com CCB #227275 - 541-420-3254 Top Knot Tree Service can handle all of your tree needs, from trims to removals. Specializing in tree assessment, hazard tree removal, crown reduction, ladder fuel reduction, lot clearing, ornamental and fruit tree trimming and care. " Locally owned and operated " " Senior and military discounts " " Free assessments " " Great cleanups " " Licensed, Insured and Bonded " Contact Bello @ 541-419-9655, Find us on Facebook and Google CCB#227009 CURTS ELECTRIC LLC 3 S ISTERS , O REGON 3 Quality Electrical Installations Agricultural " Commercial Industrial " Well & Irrigation Pumps, Motor Control, Barns & Shops, Plan Reviews CCB #178543 541-480-1404 SWEENEY PLUMBING, INC. Repair & Service estimate. SCHERRER EXCAVATION Have your home and business March 18, 2020. > Hot Water Heaters 541-350-3218 Lic. & Bonded 3 CCB #225286 crystal clean! With the best rates Catherine Tinney > Remodels & New Const. JERRY WILLIS DRYWALL scherrerexcavation.com in town. Now accepting new Personal Representative Servicing Central Oregon Mike " 541-420-4072 & VENETIAN PLASTER clients, so call today to schedule. 696 Country Club Rd. All Residential, Commercial Jobs Lic. Bond. Ins. " CCB #184660 Logan " 541-420-0330 Licensed & Bonded, Refs. Eugene, OR 97401 541-771-7000 541-480-7179 " CCB #69557 541-977-1051 (541) 687-9001 See NuggetNews.com or Facebook.com/NuggetNews for breaking news and COVID-19 updates