8 Wednesday, March 18, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Paw Prints Jodi Schneider Columnist 2020 goals for your pet Few things in life give us more joy than our furry friends. On top of the emo- tional benefits our pets give us, there are health benefits as well. The new year is well underway, but we can still resolve to make life health- ier and happier for our furry companions. Make this year a fresh start for your pet 4 perhaps a new diet and exercise regi- men or more play time with you. Whether you need to get back on track with his daily walks or make that vet appointment you9ve been meaning to schedule, there are plenty of ideas to help your pet have a happier and healthier 2020. One resolution could be to be more aware of how much your pet is eating. And one way to do that is to measure out their food each day. Many pet parents