14 Wednesday, March 18, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Scottie Wisdom&Faith Jean Russell Nave Scotties and inner peace It was a beautiful cool, crisp and sunny day; per- fect Scottie-dog weather. We were just back from a long off-leash hike in a gorgeous section of giant old-growth ponderosa pines. I walked three miles. The Scotties ran six miles as they gave every- thing they had to exploring each rock, fallen tree, and old stump in the surround- ing forest. Now they slept. Feeling safe and loved, they were the picture of peace and contentment. My post-cancer spiritual journey is largely about find- ing inner peace. I9ve met a few people who demonstrate that quality in their every- day lives: it seems to be rare. Inner peace is probably the most precious thing anyone can gain in one lifetime. I9m making progress. I know there is a lot of work ahead. In past Psychology 101 classes instructors often pre- sented a perception exercise in which the lecturer drew a circle on the board that had a small section missing. Students immediately looked at the missing section. They wanted it completed, con- nected to the rest of the circle. We are almost hard-wired to focus on incompleteness in things and people. Few would be content with the fact that only 98 percent of the circle was there. We are also impatient with people who don9t live up to our standards. In other words, we are quick to judge things and people. Sometimes as a hiring manager I would point to my water glass and ask an applicant the question: