The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, February 05, 2020, Page 30, Image 30

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Wednesday, February 5, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
BREAKER: Film event 
takes on morality in 
wartime conditions
Continued from page 3
Stratos,  the  idea  behind  the 
series  is  to  bring  together 
members  of  the  church  and 
the  community  at  large  to 
engage together with impor-
tant  and  sometimes  difficult 
<How do we bring people 
together to have discussions 
about  the  things  that  really 
matter?= he said.
Morant was among a large 
contingent  of  Australians 
who shipped out to serve the 
British Empire during a major 
conflict in South Africa from 
1899 to 1902, pitting the sol-
diers  of  the  Empire  against 
tough  Dutch-descended  set-
tlers  of  two  independent 
republics, known as Boers.
The doughty Boers, orga-
nized  into  highly  mobile 
mounted  units  called  com-
mandos  and  bred  to  the 
Mauser rifle, were giving the 
British  fits. The  Empire  put 
out  the  call  to  its  colonials 
for  mounted  riflemen.  And 
from  Canada,  New  Zealand 
and Australia they came. The 
Breaker  enlisted  in  the  2nd 
South  Australia  Mounted 
Rifles and shipped out early 
in 1900 for South Africa. He 
had two years to live.
By  1901,  the  war  had 
degenerated into a grind-
ing guerrilla campaign, with 
mounted  counter-guerrilla 
forces  chasing  the  increas-
ingly worn-down and desper-
ate Boer commandos.
Frustrated by their inabil-
ity to bring the war to a close, 
the  British  under  General 
Lord  Herbert  Kitchener 
began a systematic campaign 
of  farm-burning  to  destroy 
the  Boer  guerillas9  supply 
base and herded women and 
children into concentration
camps 4 it was the century9s 
first use of that sinister term 
4  where  they  died  in  their 
thousands  from  disease  and 
poor nutrition.
It  is  also  believed  that 
Kitchener  secretly  ordered 
that  no  quarter  be  given  to 
Boer  commandos  caught 
wearing khaki from captured 
British uniforms. At this stage 
in the war, that was common 
practice, as the Boer partisans 
were ragged and had no other
real means of supply. It was 
a necessity of war, but it also 
allowed for deception tactics, 
for  which  the  Boers  were 
notorious.  The  Boers  were 
also  known  to  fly  a  white 
flag,  then  open  fire  on  the 
troops  attempting  to  accept 
their  surrender.  They  blew 
up trains and hit garrisons in 
lightning raids, escaping into 
the vastness of the veldt (prai-
rie grasslands).
Morant had transferred to 
a  unit  called The  Bushveldt 
Carbineers,  commanded  by 
his best friend, Captain Percy 
Hunt,  tasked  with  counter-
guerilla operations in a very 
remote  and  desolate  area. 
After Hunt was gunned down 
in  an  ambush  and  subse-
quently  mutilated  (either  by 
Boers  or  by  natives  of  the 
district), Morant and the men 
under his command went on a 
killing spree, including shoot-
ing down unarmed prisoners.
Morant,  his  friend  Lt. 
Peter Handcock and Trooper 
George Witton were eventu-
ally  arrested  and  tried  by  a 
British court martial.
<There9s  never  been 
any  question  that  Morant, 
Handcock  and  Witton  did 
the  killings  for  which  they 
were tried,= Cornelius noted. 
<Morant freely acknowledged 
it. The question was whether 
they were acting under orders 
and thrown under the train
as the British tried to negoti-
ate  a  peace  deal.  Was  Lord 
Kitchener  using  these  three 
Australian troopers as scape-
goats  to  wash  his  sins  from 
his  own  hands?  That9s  the 
crux of the courtroom drama 
of the movie.=
Cornelius  believes  the 
Morant case raises important 
questions  that  we  continue 
to  wrestle  with  today  in  the 
counter-insurgent campaigns 
of the past two decades. 
<For  me,  it9s  less  about 
judgment  and  more  about 
understanding,=  Cornelius 
said.  <I  think  we  have  to 
be  very  careful  about  how 
we judge these kinds of cir-
cumstances.  On  one  hand, 
accountability  is  impor-
tant  and  you9ve  got  to  have 
ARTIST: Youth9s work 
on display through 
Continued from page 4
Harry Harbord “Breaker”
Morant — Australian bush poet,
horsebreaker and war criminal,
executed in Pretoria, South Africa.
guardrails  or  you  risk  total 
moral  chaos;  on  the  other, 
well& I always hearken back 
to  the  words  of  my  friend 
Tom Gibson, who lived here 
in  Sisters.  Tom  was  a  cap-
tain  in  the  101st  Airborne 
and  saw  heavy  combat  at 
the  Battle  of  the  Bulge. 
Stephen Ambrose quoted him 
in  8Band  of  Brothers9  and 
again  in  8Citizen  Soldiers,9 
regarding  a  story  about  a 
Lieutenant Speirs, who alleg-
edly offered cigarettes to 10 
German POWs, then calmly 
hosed them down with a .45 
Thompson submachine gun.
<Tom9s  comment  was: 
8I firmly believe that only a 
combat soldier has the right to 
judge another combat soldier. 
Only a rifle company combat 
soldier knows how hard it is 
to retain his sanity, to do his 
duty and to survive with some 
semblance of honor. You have 
to  learn  to  forgive  others, 
and yourself, for some of the 
things that are done.9=
the boys  have  had  access  to 
the supplies since they were 
toddlers. I remember Keegan 
would draw on the walls and I 
had a hard time erasing his art 
because it was really good for 
his age.=
Williams9  eldest  son, 
Riley, 13 years old, expresses 
his creativity with photogra-
phy and videography. 
Keegan9s  enthusiasm  for 
drawing began when he was 
about  three  4  or  when  he 
could hold a pencil and make 
it work. 
Keegan told The Nugget,
<I don9t usually  plan  what I 
am going to draw. I just start 
drawing and it just happens. 
But I do like to watch a lot of 
other artists; it inspires me. I 
also like to look at something, 
like my backyard, and change 
it  up  in  my  drawings  to  the 
way I9d like it.= 
Keegan9s  artwork  covers 
a variety of styles, from poin-
tillism to abstract with a little 
realism mixed in.
<I like to design cartoon-
type drawings, sort of a mixed 
style, but more realistic,= he 
One  of  his  drawings  is 
from the 1997 animated short 
film <The Old Lady and the 
Pigeons.= He drew the inven-
tor  of  the  electric  lightbulb, 
Thomas Edison, in an impres-
sionistic style. 
He recently added color to
some  of  his  drawings  using 
Keegan9s  other  creative 
interests  are  playing  the 
piano, sculpting, painting and 
whittling wood.
His  artwork is  up  for  the 
entire month of February.
Thomas noted, <The wall 
in  the  Good  Day  Café  is 
booked  for  the  year,  but  we 
are  always  connecting  and 
booking people.=
For  more  information 
about  the  art  wall  in  Good 
Day  Café,  call  Bedouin, 
Stop by and visit with Tiana Van Landuyt & Shelley Marsh.
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