The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, February 05, 2020, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, February 5, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Closure of Book Corner
is a disservice
A hint of spring...
Balmy, clear air bought the Three Sisters into sharp relief last week,
but long-time Sisters residents know that it’s just a tease.
By Wendie Vermillion
Guest Columnist
Letters to the Editor…
The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer9s name, address and phone number. Let-
ters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor.
The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be
no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday.
To the Editor:
On behalf of the Sisters Kiwanis Club, I 
want to thank all those people in the Sisters 
community  who  once  again  supported  this 
year9s See9s Candy Sale event. 
A special thank-you goes to Ray9s for all 
the years of allowing Kiwanis to set up our 
trailer in their parking lot. This is one of our 
most popular fundraising events. This is a clas-
sic win-win situation 3 the community can buy 
some delicious See9s candy and Sisters youth 
programs will benefit from the proceeds. 
ALL the proceeds, after the candy9s cost, 
are  distributed  to  youth  programs.  All  the 
candy must be prepaid and unsold candy can-
not be returned. So, without community sup-
port, this event could end up losing money.
So  once  again,  your  support  resulted  in 
Kiwanis  raising  several  thousand  dollars  to 
distribute to Sisters scholarships, youth clubs 
and other various youth events.
Doug Wills,
President, Sisters Kiwanis
To the Editor:
Charlie Kanzig made me laugh out loud. 
His  <Running  Commentary=  column  about 
dog poop bags was epic. 
As a frequent user of trails, the proliferation 
of dog poop bags the last few years has been 
an interesting phenomenon. Maybe they think 
the trail Dog Poop Fairy is going to swoop in 
every  evening  and  pick  them  up. There  are 
garbage cans on either end of PRT where they 
can be disposed. 
See LETTERS on page 20
Sisters Weather Forecast
Courtesy of the National Weather Service, Pendleton, Oregon
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
Mostly Sunny
The Nugget Newspaper, LLC
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Editor in Chief: Jim Cornelius
Production Manager: Leith Easterling
Graphic Design: Jess Draper & Lisa May
Community Marketing Partners:
Vicki Curlett & Patti Jo Beal
Classifieds & Circulation: Kema Clark
Proofreader: Pete Rathbun
Owner: J. Louis Mullen
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Published Weekly. ©2020 The Nugget Newspaper, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. All advertising which
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Many  folks  in  Sisters 
are  lamenting  the  loss  of 
our Book Corner, the long-
time  source  of  used  books 
and  DVDs,  etc.  Of  course 
we  all  cheer  the  prospect 
of library expansion in any 
of  the  Deschutes  Library 
branches, but I think a few 
aspects  of  the  reorganiza-
tion need to be highlighted. 
The Nugget article
(January  20)  didn9t  men-
tion  that  Director  Todd 
Dunkelberg  ordered  dis-
solution  of  all  <Friends 
of  the  Sisters  Library= 
(FOSL) groups because he 
felt  the  funds  raised  were 
<not significant enough= to 
merit  continuing  the  non-
profit  endeavor  at  any  of 
the branches. However, the 
Sisters  group  pulls  in  sev-
eral  thousand  dollars  each 
year, largely because most 
of us thought it was directly 
used  to  benefit  our  library 
and  all  its  endeavors.  He 
basically negated all of the 
countless hours, books and 
dollars donated by so many 
over all these years.
The  article  also  didn9t 
tell us that all accumulated 
funds in our Sisters Friends 
account  would  be  trans-
ferred to the new Deschutes 
Library  Foundation,  to  be 
administered  from  Bend, 
nor the amount accumulated 
in our local fund. 
However,  instead  of 
explaining exactly why our
FOSL  non-profit  groups 
were being dissolved, some 
of  the  local  library  staff 
have apparently been trying 
to rationalize the closure by 
telling volunteers and other 
members of the public that 
the library needs the space 
for remodeling, and further, 
that we volunteers were get-
ting too old and there were
not  enough  of  us  to  keep 
things going. In effect, they 
seemed to be trying to put 
the blame for closures in all 
branches on the volunteers! 
One  individual  attempting 
to justify the ending of the 
non-profit  FOSL  organi-
zation  even  explained  to 
me that although our local 
group was doing OK, <One 
branch had only three vol-
unteers  and  two  of  them 
were  in  wheelchairs;  it9s 
just sad.= My reaction was, 
how wonderful! 
Mentioning  age  as  a 
factor  in  the  closures  is  a 
hurtful  disservice  to  our 
volunteers  and  all  others 
in  Sisters,  as  if  we  don9t 
all know our own limits 4 
and strengths! In this com-
munity, it is the retired age 
group  who  staff  most  of 
the  volunteer  ranks  of  any 
community events, and we 
love  being  useful.  Yes,  a 
few folks cannot lift heavy 
boxes of books, but most of 
us have managed for many 
years to paw through bags 
and boxes of peoples9 dona-
tions and get them shelved 
for browsing.
One  volunteer  said, 
<What  age  must  one  be  to 
lift  a  book?=  In  my  nine 
years  I  only  recall  hav-
ing  to  close  once  for  lack 
of  a  volunteer!  But  what 
Mr.  Dunkelberg  doesn9t 
understand is that the Book 
Corner,  besides  being  an 
important  funding  source, 
became  a  cozy  haven 
for  folks  to  drop  in,  chat 
maybe, share in the greater 
purpose  by  purchasing  or 
donating books, thus feeling 
a part of a community good-
will endeavor. We have not 
only raised many thousands 
of  dollars,  but  also  have 
contributed to our commu-
nity9s  literacy  needs  with 
book  donations  to  groups, 
free coupons and certainly 
affordable reading, particu-
larly for children. 
I doubt any of us will feel 
the same devotion toward a 
vague <foundation= without 
the personal connection.
I  believe  all  volunteers 
accept the need for change 
as  Central  Oregon  grows, 
and we cheer the retention of 
our wonderful art endeavors 
under Zeta Seiple9s experi-
enced  hand.  However,  the 
library  and  FOSL  leader-
ship  might  have  shown 
respect for all Book Corner 
current and past volunteers 
with the actual reason, com-
ing  straight  from  the  top, 
rather than propagating
the  myth  of  age  and  inad-
equate numbers. Those two 
simple words, <thank you,= 
tacked on to the recent arti-
cle would have been a nice 
So  I  will  add  a  spe-
cial  thanks  to  all  past  and 
present  managers  (Lisa 
Shaddox),  and  volun-
teer  workers,  donors  and 
<Friends.=  Jim  Anderson, 
folks  still  request  your 
beautiful nature bookmarks!
Opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the writer and
are not necessarily shared by the Editor or The Nugget Newspaper.