The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, February 05, 2020, Image 1

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Valentine’s Day
The Nugget
Vol. XLIII No. 5
News and Opinion
from Sisters, Oregon
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Cub Scouts revel in Pinewood Derby
By Chloe Gold
The racing action was hot Friday 
night at Sisters Community Church, 
as Cub Scout Den 139 and friends 
and family gathered in the fireside 
room  for  their  annual  Pinewood 
Derby and potluck.
A  few  weeks  prior,  each  scout 
had been tasked with designing and 
building their own derby car4with 
a few requirements. Each derby car 
had to weigh less than five ounces 
and be built mainly by the scout it 
belonged to. In reward for all their 
hard  work,  each  scout  received  a 
medal, and could also win a trophy 
for best design or fastest car.
The excitement from the scouts 
was evident as they played with their 
derby  cars  and  their  friends  while 
watching  the  official  timer,  Steve 
Hunt,  finish  setting  up  his  track 
system  and  timer  in  the  church9s 
Fireside Room. 
Hunt said the four-lane ramp the 
scouts would use was about <33 feet, 
give or take a foot or two.=
It wasn9t just the scouts who were 
Sisters, OR
Permit No. 15
to require
By Jim Cornelius
Editor in Chief
The robust Cub Scout Pack
139 staged a lively Pinewood
Derby in the Sisters Community
Church Fireside Room.
See SCOUTS on page 31
Some 500 trees will need 
to  come  down  to  clear  an 
existing  power-line  corridor 
in Camp Sherman.
A  proposed  project  in 
the recreational area west of 
Sisters will establish a 20-foot-
wide corridor and upgrade
131  poles  along  13  miles  of 
Central  Electric  Cooperative 
power line right-of-way across 
National Forest land.
The  project  will,  in  part, 
mitigate  against  the  dan-
ger  of  the  kind  of  fire  that 
occurred  in  November  2018 
in Paradise, California, when 
high  winds  caused  PG&E 
power  lines  to  malfunction, 
See TREE CUTTING on page 24
Public hearing set
on major project
New planner in place at City Hall
S i s t e r s   c i t i z e n s   c a n 
weigh  in  on  a  major  devel-
opment  project  slated  for 
the  west  side  of  town  on 
Thursday,  February  20, 
at  5:30  p.m.  at  Sisters 
City Hall.
The Sisters planning com-
mission  will  hold  a  hearing 
on the master plan for up to 
50 multi-family units cover-
ing  approximately  26,800 
square feet of building area 
and  approximately  26,800 
square  feet  of  commercial 
space  and  supporting  infra-
structure  behind  the  cur-
rent Three Winds  Shopping 
The  proposed  Dollar 
General  store  between 
McKinney Butte Road
and  Bi-Mart  is  not  part  of 
Nicole Mardell, the City9s 
new principal planner who
joined the staff in December, 
became familiar with Sisters 
as a facilitator for the Sisters 
Country  Horizons  Vision 
Project while she was a mem-
ber of the Deschutes County 
Project Management Team.
<Through  that  process  I 
found  a  deep  appreciation 
for the community here, the 
history that led to the Sisters 
we see today, and the shared 
goals for the future,= Mardell 
said. <When the opportunity 
arose (to apply for the plan-
ner  position),  it  provided  a 
great alignment of my goals: 
to  work  for  a  smaller  city 
where a planner9s duties have 
a great deal of variety, while 
also working for a city that I 
this  MPD.  The  site  plan 
for  that  building  and  park-
ing  lot  is  part  of  a  separate 
Public  oral  or  written 
testimony  is  invited  at  the 
hearing  at  520  E.  Cascade 
Ave. A copy of the applica-
tion, all documents and evi-
dence  submitted  by  or  for 
the applicant, and the appli-
cable  criteria  and  standards 
can  be  reviewed  at  Sisters 
City Hall at no cost. Copies 
are  available.  Files  associ-
ated with the project can
be  viewed  by  visiting  the 
Community  Development 
Department9s  project  web 
page at
By Sue Stafford
care for deeply.=
A  g r a d u a t e   o f   t h e 
University  of  Minnesota 
with  a  Bachelor  of  Science 
in  Urban  Studies,  Mardell 
previously  worked  for 
Deschutes  County  in  long-
range  planning  (policy)  and 
current  planning  (develop-
ment  review).  Prior  to  that, 
she  worked  for  St.  Louis 
Park, Minnesota, a suburb in 
the Twin  Cities  area,  where 
she focused on safe routes to 
school, active transportation 
planning, and infill develop-
ment projects.
Mardell  has  always  been  Nicole Mardell is the most recent
interested  in  interdisciplin- addition to the City of Sisters
ary fields 4 areas where she  planning staff.
could understand a bit about a  family  friend  told  me  about 
variety of other things with a  the Urban Studies program at 
bigger picture in mind.
the U of M, which was very 
<I was initially interested  small  but  had  a  dedicated 
in  working  in  the  renew-
able  energy  field  until  a 
See PLANNER on page 29
Letters/Weather ................ 2 Obituary ...........................11 Entertainment ..................13 Kids in Print ................ 22-23 Classifieds ..................26-28
Meetings ........................... 3 Announcements ................12 The Ranger’s Corner ......... 19 Crossword ....................... 25 Real Estate .................29-32