The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, December 25, 2019, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, December 25, 2019 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Furry Friends Needs Help
New Year’s Resolution!
Cash donations are down this
holiday season and Furry Friends
Foundation needs your support.
Please consider a donation to
this vital Sisters-area program.
By operating two pet food
banks, a coat and pet supply
bank, sponsoring spay/neuters/
vaccination, Furry Friends helps
keep pets at home and out of
shelters. Donate online at www. or call
Do your New Year’s resolutions
include being more active in
your community? Interested in
making new friends and being
involved with an awesome
organization? Look no further!
Sisters Habitat for Humanity will
host New Volunteer Orientations
on Th ursdays, January 2 and 23,
2020 from noon to 1 p.m. at 141
W. Main St. (upstairs). Volunteer
positions are available in the Th rift
Store, ReStore and Construction.
Please RSVP with Marie – marie@ or 541-549-1193.
Seed to Table Seeks
Board Applicants
Seed to Table is seeking applicants
for an open board position. Th ey
operate a 1.5-acre nonprofi t farm
in Sisters educating 1,300 students
a year and feeding 200 families a
week nutritious and locally grown
produce, in season. Th e mission is
to increase health and wellness of
the Central Oregon community
through providing equal access
to locally grown, nutritious foods
and off ering opportunities in farm-
based education. Th e board meets
monthly. Interested parties should
email board chair Jeff Tryens at
jeff to receive
a board job description and
application form. Th e deadline for
applying is January 7, 2020.
Parkinson’s Support Group
Th e second Tuesday of each
month, Sisters Parkinson’s
Support Group meets at Th e
Lodge in Sisters from 2 to 3:30
p.m. All are welcome to learn,
share, and receive support. For
more info call 541-668-6599.
Th ich Nhat Hahn Sangha
Meditation Group
Weekly on Wednesdays at 4 p.m.
at 737 E. Black Butte Ave. For more
information please email Kathyn
Your Announcement Here
Schools, churches, nonprofi t
recreational and community
groups: this is your page to
announce your free gatherings
and events! Regularly occurring
Sisters Country meetings are
listed on the Sisters Area Meeting
Calendar on page 3 and special
events or featured meetings
can be listed on this page. All
submissions are subject to editing
and run only as space allows.
Email or
drop off at 442 E. Main Ave. Your
text must include a “for more
information” phone number.
Deadline is noon, Mondays.
World’s Children Speaker
Sisters nonprofi t World’s
Children is off ering a speaker
for your club, church group
or classroom. Topics include
street children in developing
countries; child traffi cking; and
child marriage. Each talk is given
with a PowerPoint presentation
that explains why these issues
exist in developing countries
and what can be done about
them. For more information call
541-904-0789 or email info@
Tai Chi/Balance Sessions
Free Tai Chi/Balance Classes
based on the CDC “Steadi”
Program to reduce injuries and
falls in our community are being
sponsored by Sisters Drug. Taught
by Shannon Rackowski every
Th ursday from 11-11:30 a.m.
(except holidays) at the SPRD
Fitness Room next to Sisters High
School. Open to all ages. For info:
Career Funds Available
Applications are available for
the Sisters Kiwanis Career
Opportunity Fund to help adult
residents of Sisters establish an
occupational path. Pick up
forms at the Kiwanis House,
corner of Oak and Main, 9 a.m.
to 2 p.m. Th ursdays, and during
regular hours from the Sisters
Habitat for Humanity offi ce. For
more information, please call
Sisters Speak Life Cancer
Support Group
Th is cancer support group
meets the second and fourth
Wednesday of every month at
Suttle Tea in their back room
from 1 to 1:30 p.m. Caregivers
as well as patients and family
members are welcome to join in.
Please contact Suzi Steele at 503-
819-1723 for more information.
Black Butte Ranch RFPD
Board Meeting
Call to Artists for Library
Annual Art Exhibit
Th e Black Butte Ranch RFPD
Board meeting scheduled for
Wednesday, December 25 has
been cancelled. Call 541-595-2288
for more information.
Th e Sisters Library Annual Art
Exhibit is happening January
8 through February 28, 2020.
All Sisters Country artists who
want to participate are invited
to submit work on Saturday,
January 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
in the library’s Community Room.
Invitations may be downloaded
from the website,
or are available at the library’s
information desk. People’s Choice
Awards will be announced at the
Reception on Friday, January 24
from 6 to 7:30 p.m. For more info,
please call Zeta at 541-549-6157.
Weigh-In Sisters 2020
Prevent Diabetes Central Oregon
presents a free year-long program
to learn how to eat healthy, be
active, lose weight and prevent
disease. Welcome sessions will
be held Th ursday, January 9 from
noon to 1 p.m. and Th ursday,
January 23 from 5:30 to 6:30
p.m. at the Sisters Library. For
more info and to sign up for the
program call Kylie at 541-447-3260.
First Aid Class
Th e next CPR/AED/First Aid class
is scheduled for Saturday, January
11 at 8:30 a.m. Th e cost is $30,
which covers both the CPR and
First Aid modules, a workbook
and completion card. Register
by Tuesday, January 7. To register,
go online to sistersfi and
select the CPR tab, or stop by and
register at the Sisters Fire station
during business hours (8 to 5). Pick
up the student workbook at the
station after you register. If you
have questions, call Beverly Halcon
at 818-674-7686.
Senior Luncheons & More
Adults age 60 and older are
invited to join the Council
on Aging Senior Luncheon,
served every Tuesday at Sisters
Community Church. Coff ee and
various fun activities begin at 11
a.m. with lunch served at noon.
Bingo is played after lunch until
2:30 p.m. For information call 541-
Dementia Caregivers
A free support group for
caregivers of those suff ering with
Alzheimer’s or other forms of
dementia takes place the fi rst
Tuesday of each month from
noon to 1:30 p.m. at Sisters
City Hall. Sponsored by the
Alzheimer’s Association, meetings
provide emotional, educational,
and social support. Call 800-272-
3900 or go to
Support for Caregivers
A free support group for those
who provide care in any capacity
meets at Th e Lodge in Sisters at
10:30 a.m. the third Tuesday of
each month. Call 541-771-3258 for
additional information.
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (ELCA)
386 N. Fir Street • 541-549-5831
10 a.m. Sunday Worship
Sisters Community Church (Nondenominational)
1300 W. McKenzie Hwy. • 541-549-1201
10 a.m. Sunday Worship (with signing) |
St. Edward the Martyr Roman Catholic Church
123 Trinity Way • 541-549-9391
5:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass
9 a.m. Sunday Mass
8 a.m. Monday-Friday Mass
Calvary Church (NW Baptist Convention)
484 W. Washington St., Ste. C & D • 541-588-6288
10 a.m. Sunday Worship |
Th e Episcopal Church of the Transfi guration
68825 Brooks Camp Road • 541-549-7087
8:30 a.m. Ecumenical Sunday Worship (Sunday school,
childcare) 10:15 a.m. Episcopal Sunday Worship (Sunday
school, childcare)
Chapel in the Pines
Camp Sherman • 541-549-9971
10 a.m. Sunday Worship
Sisters Church of the Nazarene
67130 Harrington Loop Road • 541-389-8960 |
10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship |
Westside Sisters
442 Trinity Way • 541-549-4184 |
9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship
6 p.m. Worship the 3rd Tuesday of each month
Vast Church (Nondenominational)
1700 W. McKinney Butte (Sisters High School) • 541-719-0587
9:37 a.m. Sunday Worship |
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
386 N. Fir Street • 541-595-6770, 541-306-8303
11 a.m. Saturday Worship
Th e Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
452 Trinity Way • Branch President, 541-420-5670;
10 a.m. Sunday Sacrament Meeting
Baha’i Faith Meetings
Devotional Gatherings, Study Classes and Discussion
Groups. Call for location and times • 541-549-6586
Homebuyer Workshop
NeighborImpact’s Homebuyer
Workshop will help prospective
homebuyers successfully navigate
the homebuying process from
start to fi nish. Th e workshop is
being held Saturday, January 11
from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Sisters
Library. Learn about what the
homebuying process entails
including how to improve your
credit, how to fi nd safe mortgage
loans and discover fi rst-time
homebuyers. Don’t disqualify
yourself! Hear from experts in the
fi eld. Call 541-548-2380 or info.
Save the Rubberbands
Business owners: Are you the
recipient of a bundle (or more) of
Nuggets each week? Th ose huge,
fat rubberbands are nice and
stretched out, and highly valued
by the Nuggeteers that bundle
your papers each week. If you can
save them, we’d love to use them
again. And to those of you who
already return them to us: thank
you! Questions? Call Kema at
Sisters Libr ary
Dark Sky Project
Sisters High School Astronomy
Club, Sisters Astronomy Club
(SAC), Sisters Movie House, Paul
Alan Bennett, and International
Dark-Sky Association (IDA)
Oregon Chapter are sponsoring
a screening of “Saving the Dark”
at Sisters Movie House on
Wednesday, January 15 at 7 p.m.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Th is
free event will include the fi lm
screening, along with a Q&A
panel, public outreach tables,
ukulele music, and the book
“Night Skies” for sale by Paul
Alan Bennett. Questions?
Contact Rima Givot at rima.
Organ Donor Awareness
A new nonprofi t is in the planning
stages to educate the community
on the importance of organ
donation. Fundraisers and events
will be discussed. If interested in
taking part, please call Fifi Bailey at
Sponsor an Impoverished
Child from Uganda
Hope Africa International, based
in Sisters, has many children
awaiting sponsorship! For more
information go to hopeafricakids.
org or call Katie at 541-719-8727.
Announce Your
Birth, engagement, wedding and
milestone anniversary notices
from the Sisters community
may run at no charge on this
Announcements page. All
submissions are subject to editing
for space. Email lisa@nuggetnews.
com or drop off at 442 E. Main
Ave. Deadline is noon, Mondays.
Humane Society of Central Oregon
January events
Family Fun Story Time
Family Fun Story Time for kids
ages birth through 5 takes
place at the Sisters Library on
Th ursdays, January 9, 16, 23, and
30 from 10:30 to 11 a.m., with
songs, rhymes and crafts, all
designed to grow young readers.
Caregivers must attend. Info:
Know ’20s — Modern or
Consider art deco architecture
and design with Keith Eggener,
professor of Architectural
History at University of Oregon.
Friday, January 17 at noon at
Sisters Library. No registration
required. Call 541-312-1032 for
more information.
Th e Library Book Club
Read and discuss “Arctic
Dreams” by Barry Lopez with
other thoughtful readers at the
Sisters Library on Wednesday,
January 22, from 5:30 to 6:30
p.m. Info: 541-617-7078.
Music in Public Places
Enjoy an hour of music from
the Central Oregon Symphony
at Sisters Library on Saturday,
January 25 at 2 p.m. No
registration required. Call 541-
312-1032 for more info.
Meet COAL, a dapper cat who
is eager to fi nd his forever
family! Coal is a little shy
with new people, but once he
knows you he is a real snuggle
bug. This chubby and friendly
lump has already put on a few
holiday pounds and would
benefi t from some healthy
weight loss. If you are looking
for a friendly and charming
kitty to add to your family, then
warm your heart and home
with some Coal this winter!
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POLICY: Business items do not run on this page. Nonprofi ts, schools, churches, birth, engagement, wedding and anniversary notices may run at no charge. All submissions are subject to editing and run only as space allows.
Email or drop off at 442 E. Main Ave. Your text must include a “for more information” phone number. Deadline is 5 p.m. on Fridays.