The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, December 11, 2019, Page 28, Image 28

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Holidays in Sisters
A season of
in Sisters
Jennifer Knowles-Seher
and Deri Frazee offered
reflections of Thanksgiving...
Looking back to the
6th annual Community
Thanksgiving Dinner, it con-
tinues to amaze me how awe-
some the day ends up to be
every single year. So many
people get together to give to
their friends, neighbors, and
family. So many people gath-
ering to share a meal together
and enjoy the company. It
truly humbles and inspires
me to be the best version of
me I can be.
This year was no excep-
tion to the amazing contribu-
tions by individuals and busi-
nesses to create a delicious,
traditional meal. I¾d like to
thank the following, who
without them, we couldn¾t do
The Nugget Newspaper,
Ray¾s Food Place, Sno Cap
Drive-In, Sisters Meat and
Smokehouse, Reser¾s Fine
Foods, and Sisters Bakery. A
giant hug and thank-you for
XPress Printing and Mission
Linen as well. Finally, and
most definitely, never enough
thank-yous to Kimber
Finney for coordinating the
All together, we served
over 450 plates of food to the
hungry masses and the Sisters
RPFD. Eighteen turkeys in
total were carved (and they
were delicious!), along with
ham, potatoes, stuffing, green
bean casserole, sweet pota-
toes, corn, and handmade
gravy. Plenty of salads, rolls,
and desserts rounded out the
amazing food. Thank you,
Sisters, for being the commu-
nity that cares for its people.
Until next year!
Have a story
idea for
We’d love to
hear it!
Send an email to
Wednesday, December 11, 2019 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
SANTA PAWS: Event supports
families and pets in Sisters
Continued from page 21
“The kids are more enthusiastic about
selling more wreaths this year since the
funds go to the new playground that¾s
being built this summer,” said Gonzales.
<It¾s not your typical swing set and mon-
key bars, it¾s an all-natural wood envi-
ronment with obstacle courses, it¾s going
to be unique. There will also be an out-
door classroom area for the students.”
Daniel added, “We need our design
proposal approved by the Forest Service.
The Forest Service historian has to dig
and do test plots to make sure there is
nothing underground of archaeological
It ¾s b een a t o u g h y e a r f o r
Deggendorfer, with the recent pass-
ing of her mother, Gert Boyle.
She noted, “I came back to Sisters
from Portland after the memorial ser-
vice last Thursday for the open house
to support Furry Friends Foundation,
Three Sisters Historical Society, and
the Black Butte School fundraiser.
<I¾m just hanging in there, and my
friends Laura Fouts and Debbie Barns
have been so helpful setting this up for
me. Since the Art Works building was
sold last summer to the Sisters Folk
Festival, I wanted this to be a last hurrah
for the nonprofits.”
To donate to Furry Friends
Foundation, stop by the Furry
Friends office at 204 W. Adams Ave.,
Ste. 109, donate online at www.
Do you know your agent?
Do you understand your policy?
Are you overpaying?
He’s ready to fly if the reindeer let him., or by mail to
P.O. Box 1175, Sisters, OR 97759.
There is also a giving tree set up at
Sisters Feed & Supply and at Black
Butte Ranch this year. For more infor-
mation about Furry Friends Foundation,
call 541-797-4023.
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