The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, November 27, 2019, Page 26, Image 26

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Holidays in Sisters
Wednesday, November 27, 2019 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Thanksgiving nutrition:
the good, the bad, the ugly
Fit For
Andrew Loscutoff
Thanksgiving opens the
senses to the warmth and
comfort of autumn¾s bounty.
The veggies, the bird and
the accompanying spices all
melt together in an experi-
ence that is indescribable to
those who have not experi-
enced it.
Every family has its own
flair, whether it¾s a corn cas-
serole, sweet potato with
orange juice, or cornbread
stuffing — but there are
some standalone classics
that just about everyone has
grown up to enjoy. Recently,
some have come to scru-
tinize Thanksgiving as an
avatar of our current state
of health and dietary short-
comings. There are plenty of
nutritional shortfalls obvious
to most; however, inside a
Thanksgiving meal there are
strokes of nutritional glory.
Turkey includes a very
high-quality source of pro-
tein, without a lot of fat. This
lean protein will fill you up.
It only has 130 calories per
four-ounce serving, making
it a nutritional winner.
Next the Brussels sprouts:
These little globes of nutri-
tion contain substantial lev-
els of vitamins K and C.
They contain a lot of fiber,
which is beneficial to gut
health and fills someone up.
The antioxidants in cabbage
and the like are cancer pre-
venting. Someone can¾t go
wrong with an extra serving.
Cranberry sauce, while
often only looked upon as
a no-no for outstanding
amounts of sugar, should be
considered a Thanksgiving
victory. Cranberries are a
superfood because of their
high levels of antioxidants
(near the top of the list).
They also are packed with
vitamin C and fiber!
While the obvious offend-
ers of Thanksgiving are well
exposed, there are some to
consider which might not
get as much attention. For
example, mashed potatoes
can be a very healthful dish.
Potatoes contain magnesium,
B and C vitamins, along with
a healthy amount of protein.
Most of that nutrition gets
drowned in butter, cream,
and possibly cheese. What to
do instead is use low-fat sour
cream, and use half the but-
ter. This can make mashed
potatoes less of a caloric
bomb and still flavorful.
Green bean casserole is
another recipe which has the
potential to have a healthy
makeover. Traditionally,
canned beans and canned
soup go into the dish and
deep-fried onions on top.
Instead, try blanching fresh
green beans, sauteing onions
and mushrooms, and using
two-percent milk with some
flour to produce the creamy
texture. Top with bread
crumbs and some Parmesan
cheese to finish.
Sometimes, no matter
how it¾s done, a dish can-
not be rescued. The first that
comes to mind is gravy. The
fat, the silky texture, and the
rich flavor cannot be repli-
cated. This is a bomb that
Black Friday Sale
Doors Open at 5 a.m.
Pine Creek Fleece Throws
We need the
Sisters community!
Donations to Sisters Kiwanis Food Bank
are dramatically down this holiday
season. We may not be able to meet
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Food donations are also greatly appreciated.
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Washington Federal Bank
Cloverdale Fire Department
Donations accepted during regular business hours.
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PO Box 1296, Sisters, Oregon 97759
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Random House
Children’s Books
ought to be deployed
only in circumstances
of necessity. A light
drizzle over some white Brussels sprouts make the “good” list.
Go ahead, take a second serving!
meat will liven up a rather
bland piece of turkey. If the
to enjoy Thanksgiving,
mashed potatoes are a little even if they don¾t meet the
on the pasty or drab end of normal criteria of healthy
the spectrum, some here foods. Turkey, mashed pota-
wouldn¾t hurt. What happens toes, green bean casserole,
is the gravy falls into the and cranberry sauce all
hands of trigger happy eaters possess nutrition everyone
and a cascade comes crash- can enjoy. Other aspects of
ing all over the plate; half-a- Thanksgiving ought to be
cup of gravy saturates all.
celebrated as occurrences of
Pecan pie is another once-a-year frequency. One
offender. The nuts are only indulgent meal is not going
guilty by association, but to send you into a spiral of
this dish loses on all fronts uncontrolled binge-eating
because of the cups of sugar with no coming back. Enjoy
mixed with the sticks of but- the time with friends and
ter. No wonder this pie is so family and give many thanks
for all of life¾s simplest
There are healthy ways pleasures.
Ron Pritiskutch
Cell: 541-977-3307
CCB# 224407•OCHI# 2224
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