The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, November 06, 2019, Page 20, Image 20

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Wednesday, November 6, 2019 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Walking in Cow Pies?
By Craig F. Eisenbeis
Since we9re in that <shoul-
der season= for hiking in our 
area,  when  the  white  <ter-
mination  dust=  is  calling  an 
end  to  mountain  access  and 
friendly  hiking  weather,  the 
typical hiker is thinking about 
hiking alternatives. For more 
than a few residents of Sisters 
Country,  those  <alterna-
tives= often include forays to 
warmer and sunnier destina-
tions to the south. 
One  of  the  most  popular 
such destinations is Arizona; 
and, for many locals, Sedona 
is the go-to goal for off-season 
hiking. As a result, each year 
about this time, I like to fea-
ture a Sedona hike.
Years  ago,  on  one  of  our 
very first trips to Sedona, we 
randomly selected a hike off 
Schnebly Hill Road, which is 
quite close to the downtown 
area. As it happened, the trail 
we  chose  was  the  Cow  Pies 
Trail, which is so named for 
several outsized red rock for-
mations that are said to resem-
ble  the  semi-liquid,  layered 
<deposits= common to... cow 
Back in the day, when we 
first  visited  the  Cow  Pies, 
Schnebly  Hill  Road  was  an 
unremarkable gravel-and-dirt 
road, typical of access roads 
leading  to  out-of-the-way 
trailheads.  Fast  forward  to 
today, however, and Schnebly 
Hill  Road  has  deteriorated 
to  become  one  of  the  worst 
roads  known  to  humankind; 
and the Forest Service seems 
quite content to leave it that 
way. Do not even think about 
attempting to drive this road 
without a high-clearance four-
wheel-drive vehicle. Hardly a 
year goes by without someone 
disregarding the warnings and 
ultimately leaving engine oil 
and  scrap metal  littering the 
If  you  do  not  have  the 
requisite  vehicle,  however, 
despair  not  because  the 
(Sweden’s Christmas)
Friday, November 8
from 2 to 8 p.m.
Munds Wagon Trail parallels 
this awful road and makes a 
very  short  and  easy  hike  of 
about three miles into a more 
challenging  eight-or-so-mile 
roundtrip from the end of the 
paved road.
The  scenic  red  rocks  of 
Sedona are legendary, to the 
point where the list of movies, 
television shows, and adver-
tisements  shot  among  these 
unique  rock  formations  is  a 
long one. Although dramatic 
scenery is impossible to avoid 
in this area, the Cow Pies Trail 
features some of the very best.
The Cow Pies, themselves, 
although  extraordinary  in 
scale, definitely do resemble 
their namesakes, as if depos-
ited by a gargantuan celestial 
bovine  in  eons  past.  Upon 
reaching the Cow Pies, there 
is  no  exact  carved trail  over 
and among them, but they can 
be easily explored and clam-
bered over. From the trailhead 
on the terrible road, this a very 
easy hike, with very little ele-
vation gain or loss 4 unless 
you choose to go all the way 
to the top of the ridge off the 
Hangover Trail.
The Hangover Trail, which 
continues  beyond  the  Cow 
Pies,  adds  another  five-plus 
miles  onto  this  hike. With  a 
sort  of  double  meaning,  the 
Hangover Trail features rocks 
that hang over the trail, while 
the  trail  also  reaches  out, 
These layered red rock formations are said to resemble enormous cow pasture deposits on the Cow Pies Trail
near Sedona, Arizona.
itself,  and  hangs  over  pre-
cipitous drop offs. It has been 
labeled  as  one  of  the  seven 
scariest bike trails. A side trip 
onto  a  saddle,  on  the  ridge 
to  the  north,  ends  at  a  spec-
tacular viewpoint atop a diz-
zying  precipice  overlooking 
Sedona proper and Oak Creek 
Canyon, more than a thousand 
feet below. It9s a great spot to 
stop and have lunch or just sit 
and contemplate... whatever.
There  is  not  much  trail-
side  vegetation,  but  there  is 
enough to provide occasional 
shade; although the mild tem-
peratures  at  this  time  of  the 
year make for pleasant hiking 
3 even at midday. Regardless, 
always be sure to bring plenty 
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Schnebly  Hill  Road  is 
named for Carl Schnebly who 
settled  in  the  area  in  1900. 
He was the area9s first post-
master;  and  he  named  the 
postal  station  after  his  wife 
3  Sedona,  whose  name  now 
graces  the  town  that  subse-
quently sprung up in the early 
twentieth century.
Some  of  the  permit 
requirements for parking and 
use  of  many  of  the  red  rock 
areas  in  Sedona  have  been 
relaxed  in  recent  years,  and 
federal  park  and  forest  per-
mits  are  now  valid  for  most 
federal  areas.  Daily  permits 
are also available. State park 
areas,  however,  may  require 
separate permits.
Stop by our
showroom &
Wine tasting with
Willamette Valley Vineyards!
of  water  because  this  is  dry 
The Cow Pies Trail is very 
close to town and easy to find. 
Heading  south  from  down-
town  Sedona  on  Highway 
179, it is just across the Oak 
Creek Bridge on the way out 
of town. Take the roundabout 
three  quarters  of  the  way 
around  and  follow  the  sign 
to  Schnebly  Hill  Road.  It  is 
about a mile to the end of the 
pavement  and,  if  you  dare, 
another 2.7 miles of astound-
ingly terrible road to the trail-
head. There is a sizable park-
ing area on the right side of the 
road, which is on the opposite 
side of the road from the trail, 
which takes off to the north.
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Redmond Fairgrounds
Saturday, November 9 • 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday, November 10 • 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.