12 Wednesday, September 25, 2019 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon A N N O U N C E M E N T S Balance Class in Camp Sherman Th is 8-week evidence-based community workshop will teach practical coping strategies to reduce the fear of falling. Cost is $10. Class begins Wednesday, September 25 and will be held at the Camp Sherman Community Hall, located at 13025 SW Camp Sherman Rd. Contact Shannon to register at 541-272-0529 or shanrack@gmail.com. One-Act Play Submissions Silent Echo Th eater Company is seeking one-act play submissions from local playwrights for possible use during the 2020 Evening of One-Acts happening in late winter. Plays should be between 10 and 20 minutes long and need to be submitted to silentechotheatercompany@ gmail.com by Monday, October 7; play selections by November 1. Directors are also wanted for the event — please email your theater experience and contact information. For more information call 541-719-8862. Free Medicare 101 Class Futurity First will host a free Medicare 101 Workshop on Tuesday, October 8 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at Sisters Library. Instructors will explain Medicare Parts A and B, and explore options with Medicare Advantage Plans and Medicare Supplements. Participants will also learn how prescription drug plans work, how to get help with the cost of prescription drugs and how Medicare works with the VA. Info: 541-973-2100, x9. World’s Children Speaker Sisters nonprofi t World’s Children is off ering a speaker for your club, church group or classroom. Topics include street children in developing countries; child traffi cking; and child marriage. Each talk is given with a PowerPoint presentation that explains why these issues exist in developing countries and what can be done about them. For more information call 541-904-0789 or email info@ worldschildren.org. Parkinson’s Support Group Th e second Tuesday of each month, Sisters Parkinson’s Support Group meets at Th e Lodge in Sisters from 2 to 3:30 p.m. All are welcome to learn, share, and receive support. For more info contact Carol at 541- 668-6599. Hop Fest Half Marathon, 5K Th e Annual Fresh Hop Fest Half Marathon and 5K is on Saturday, September 28 at 8 a.m. Th e race starts and fi nishes at Th ree Creeks Brewing Production Facility on Barclay Dr. Run a half marathon and enjoy a beer at the fi nish line! Part of the proceeds benefi t SHS swim team. Call 541-549-1298 for more information. TH THIS HI S WEEK WEEK’S S Highlights Saturday, September 28 Sisters Community Cleanup 8 a.m. to noon at SPRD Saturday, September 28 Hop Fest Half Marathon 8 a.m. at Three Creeks Brewing Facility 19th Annual Green Tour See real-world solutions that reduce energy use and increase solar production in residential and commercial buildings right here in Central Oregon. Test-drive an electric car and take an electric bike for a spin, join the bike tour, vote for your favorite site, and celebrate at the after-party. Saturday, September 28 from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at various locations. Get all the details, tour map, and guide at envirocenter. org/tour or call 541-385-6908 x11. Saturday, September 28 Community Gear Swap 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Hike-N-Peaks Saturday, September 28 19th Annual Green Tour 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at various locations Saturday, September 28 Stars Over Sisters Party 7:30 p.m. at SPRD Suicide Prevention Education Tuesday, October 1 Suicide Prevention Education 11 a.m at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Community Gear Swap Local schools and Hike-N-Peaks are hosting a Gear Swap on Saturday, September 28 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to raise funds for outdoor education programs. Donate or sell your lightly used outdoor and athletic gear or come to fi nd great deals. All items should be brought to Hike-N-Peaks on Friday, September 27 between 4 and 7 p.m. or Saturday, September 28 between 8 and 10 a.m. It should be in good, clean condition. Info: 541-904-0778. Stars Over Sisters Party Learn about the night skies! Stargazers are invited to gather at the SPRD building on Saturday, September 28 at 7:30 p.m. for a free presentation and slide show. If weather then permits, plan on heading out to the SHS sports fi elds to observe the night sky through powerful telescopes. For information call 541-549-8846. St. Charles Health System will sponsor a Suicide Prevention Education at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 386 N. Fir St., on Tuesday, October 1 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Claudia Bisso-Fetzer, Ph.D is the presenter. Light lunch provided. Free of charge. Contact: 541-549-5831. SPRD is organizing a Fall Community Cleanup Day for Saturday, September 28 from 8 a.m. to noon. Organize your own cleanup around your school, neighborhood or business, or meet at SPRD at 8 a.m. for supplies & routes. Register online at sistersrecreation.com or call 541- 549-2091. Art in the Library Members of the Central Oregon Spinners & Weavers Guild will hold their annual fi ber exhibit of handspun and handwoven art at the Sisters Library from October 1 to 29. Demonstrations will be included on Saturday, October 12. For information call 541-312-1070. PET PLACE ... … is for FREE pets seeking homes and LOST & FOUND animals. The information is published free by The Nugget Newspaper. Tupak has been missing since Saturday, September 21. He is usually home by dinnertime. Tupak is 4 years old and was last seen at 412 N. Maple Ln. in Sisters, his home address. Please call or text 541-699-8989 or 541-699-6734. Lost pets? Call HSCO, 541-382-3537; BrightSide Animal Center, 541-923-0882; Des. Co. Animal Control, 541-388-6596; Sisters Vet Clinic, 541-549-6961; Black Butte Vet Clinic, 541-549-1837; Broken Top Vet Clinic, 541-389-0391. And go to www.facebook.com/PetsLostInBendOregon/ Sisters Speak Life Cancer Support Group Th is cancer support group meets the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at Suttle Tea in their back room from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Caregivers as well as patients and family members are welcome to join in. Please contact Suzi Steele at 503- 819-1723 for more information. Sisters-Area Churches Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church 386 N. Fir Street • 541-549-5831 10 a.m. Sunday Worship shepherdofthehillslutheranchurch.com Westside Sisters 442 Trinity Way • 541-549-4184 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 6 p.m. Worship, 3rd Tuesday each month westsidesisters.org Episcopal Church of the Transfi guration 68825 Brooks Camp Road • 541-549-7087 8:30 a.m. Ecumenical Sunday Worship 10:15 a.m. Episcopal Sunday Worship Sisters Community Church (Nondenom.) 1300 W. McKenzie Hwy. • 541-549-1201 10 a.m. Sunday Worship (with signing) sisterschurch.com Calvary Chapel (Nondenominational) 484 W. Washington St., Ste. C & D 541-588-6288 • 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Th e City of Sisters is accepting applications for 2 positions on the Housing Policy Advisory Board (HPAB). Th e Board advises the Planning Commission and City Council regarding policies related to increasing appropriate levels of aff ordable housing within the city limits. A 3-year position requires a background in real estate and in-city residency; a 1-year position requires familiarity or benefi ciary of aff ordable housing and in-city residency. Apply online at www. ci.sisters.or.us by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 4. For more information call Patrick at 541-323-5219 or email pdavenport@ci.sisters.or.us. CPR/AED and First Aid Class Th e next CPR/AED/First Aid class is scheduled for Saturday, October 12 at 8:30 a.m. Th e cost is $30, which covers both the CPR and First Aid modules, a workbook and completion card. Register by Tuesday, October 8. To register, go online to sistersfi re.com and select the CPR tab, or stop by and register at the Sisters Fire Station during business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.). Pick up the student workbook at the station after you register. If you have questions, call Beverly Halcon at 818-674-7686. Furry Friends New Hours Th e Furry Friends offi ce is changing its hours beginning Tuesday, September 17. Visit Furry Friends now on Tuesdays from 2 to 5 p.m. Th e Th ursday hours remain the same, open 11 am. to 2 p.m. Furry Friends is located in the Sisters Art Works building, at 204 W. Adams Ave., Ste. 109. For more information call 541-797-4023. Panoramic Access Special Road District Board Term Letters of interest are being solicited for a 3-year volunteer position on the PASRD board of commissioners. Applicants must reside within the road district and be a registered voter. Send letters to: panoramicroads@gmail.com or to PASRD, POB 1226, Sisters, OR 97759. Info: call 541-549-1150. Crafters Wanted Share your creativity! Quality- oriented crafters are being sought as consigners for the 44th Annual Snowfl ake Boutique (November 1 & 2). Jury will be Saturday, October 5 at 9:30 a.m. at Highland Baptist Church, Redmond. Info at www. snowfl akeboutique.org or call Jan, 541-350-4888 or Randi, 541-788- 4452 or Tina, 541-447-1640. Sisters Newcomers Club A Newcomers’ Club specifi c to Sisters-area new residents is starting up! Call Karee at 541-719-0050. Sisters Community Cleanup Organ Donor Awareness A new nonprofi t is in the planning stages to educate the community on the importance of organ donation. Fundraisers and events will be discussed. If interested in taking part, please call Fifi Bailey at 541-419-2204. City of Sisters Housing Policy Advisory Positions Chapel in the Pines – Camp Sherman 541-549-9971 • 10 a.m. Sunday Worship St. Edward the Martyr Roman Catholic Church 123 Trinity Way • 541-549-9391 5:30 p.m. Sat. Vigil Mass | 9 a.m. Sun. Mass 8 a.m. Monday-Friday Mass Vast Church (Nondenominational) 1700 W. McKinney Butte (SHS) • 541-719-0587 9:37 a.m. Sunday Worship | vastchurch.com Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 452 Trinity Way • Branch President, 541-420-5670; 10 a.m. Sunday Sacrament Meeting Seventh-Day Adventist Church 386 N. Fir St. • 541-595-6770, 541-306-8303 11 a.m. Saturday Worship Baha’i Faith Meetings Devotional Gatherings, Classes & Discussion Call for location and times • 541-549-6586 Michael (Mickey) Pearson Th e Celebration of f Life lb f f for Mickey, k previously scheduled for an outdoor location, has been moved to Grace Bible Church of Bend at 63945 Old Bend Redmond Hwy on Saturday, September 28 at 2:00 p.m. OF THE WEEK Sisters Libr ary PET Humane Society of Central Oregon coming events 541-382-3537 Family Fun Story Time Family Fun Story Time for kids ages birth through 5 takes place at the Sisters Library on Th ursdays, September 26 and October 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 from 10:30 to 11 a.m., with songs, rhymes and crafts, all designed to grow young readers. Caregivers must attend. Info: 541-617-7078. Oregon Ghost Stories Join historian and paranormal investigator Rocky Smith for a presentation of history, folklore and the paranormal. Rocky will share some unbelievable ghost stories on Friday, October 11 at noon at Sisters Library. No registration is required for this adult program. Call 541-312-1032 for more information. Th e Library Book Club Read and discuss “Th e Wife” by Alafair Burke with other thoughtful readers at the Sisters Library on Wednesday, October 23, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Info: 541-617-7078. Meet RODNEY, a 10-month-old Guinea pig who is looking for his forever home! This big guy was surrendered to us with a few other Guinea pigs, but defi nitely seems to prefer his solitude and the bachelor life! Guinea pigs are cute, sociable and can live for over fi ve years, making them great starter pets for young children! Are you ready for a chirpy new best friend? Come meet Rodney today! Sponsored by Pumpkin Party Pumpkin-decorating, stories and games for ages birth to 11. No registration required. Sisters Library on Saturday, October 26 at 10 a.m. Info: 541-617-7078. & S U P P LY 541-549-4151 POLICY: Business items do not run on this page. Nonprofi ts, schools, churches, birth, engagement, wedding and anniversary notices may run at no charge. All submissions are subject to editing and run only as space allows. Email lisa@nuggetnews.com or drop off at 442 E. Main Ave. Your text must include a “for more information” phone number. Deadline is noon, Mondays.