22 Wednesday, September 11, 2019 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon LETTERS Continued from page 2 are other new representatives in Congress. I can think of 3 who served honorably in our military and are Purple Heart recipients as well: " Jim Baird, Republican from Indiana, lost his left arm in Vietnam. " Brian Mast, Republican from Florida, lost both legs in Afghanistan. " Dan Crenshaw, Republican from Texas, lost his right eye in Afghanistan. Jim Baird, oldest of the three for example, has an amazing record easily searched on Google. The con- trast in experience and character from those in the Squad is telling. It highlights the extreme left bias in press coverage of those representing American values and best suited for determining America9s future direction. Jeff Mackey s s s To the Editor: The planning commission and the city council are all volunteer positions. I want to thank them for their service. The city has a paid planning staff that basically controls what happens in Sisters. They advise and sometimes dictate to the planning com- mission and city council as to what they will do. A classic example is the McKenzie Meadows/Village at Cold Springs decision. It is time for the city manager, the paid planning staff, the planning commission and city council to take responsibility and make decisions that are in the best interest of the citizens and local businesses in Sisters. It is time for them to address the pro- posed Dollar General Store! Is building the Dollar General store right next door to Bi-Mart in the best interest of Bi-Mart? I do not think so! Bi-Mart has been in Sisters over 10 years, and the employees that are also owners live in the area. Bi-Mart sup- ports local nonprofits, they put up posters to support events, they donate food to the Sisters Food Bank and much more. Dollar General is a very large, 15,000 stores, over $4 billion in annual sales and growing. They have thousands of employees. This company has no connection to Sisters. They are only interested in selling and making money. Have they talked to anybody about community support? Do we need a large corporate box-type store in Sisters? Are they using any local contractors or bringing in out-of- state workers? That is not supporting business in Sisters! We have the contractors and people to do this project. Is it in the best interest of the citizens that will have to fight more traffic? Remember, the city has approved the additional traffic from the 500-plus Hayden homes, the 40-plus units from Housing Works, all the new Habitat homes and high school traffic. Look at the mess of trying to enter the round- about now. This will be a serious problem Remember