12 Wednesday, August 28, 2019 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon A N N O U N C E M E N T S AARP Driver’s Safety Friends of Metolius Walk AARP’s Driver Safety Course, a classroom refresher for motorists 50 and older, will be off ered on Tuesday, September 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Sisters Community Church. Th ere will be a one-hour lunch break. Call 541-390-6075 to register. Cost is $15 for AARP members and $20 for non-members. Saturday, August 31 from 10 a.m. to noon, enjoy a free interpretive walk along the Metolius River with Scott Blau. Explore the upper river from the Camp Sherman Bridge to the site of the 1930s Civilian Conservation Corps camp at the Riverside Campground and learn about the history of the Camp Sherman area. Meet near the Camp Sherman Bridge fi sh viewing platform. For information call 541- 595-6439 or 503-730-8034. Volunteer for Parks Board Th e City of Sisters is accepting applications for a volunteer position on the City Parks Advisory Board for a 3-yr. term. Applicants must live within the Sisters School District boundary. Th e Board advises the Council on matters pertaining to the acquisition, development, maintenance and preservation of public parks, trails & open spaces, meeting every fi rst Wednesday at 4 p.m. Applications are at www.ci.sisters.or.us or at Sisters City Hall at 520 E. Cascade Ave. Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. Friday, September 6. For info contact Patrick Davenport at 541-323-5219 or at pdavenport@ ci.sisters.or.us. Free Medicare 101 Class Th e Council on Aging is partnering with St. Charles Health System and the City of Sisters to off er a free class to help older adults navigate their Medicare options on Friday, September 6, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the City of Sisters offi ces in the Chamber Room. “Medicare 101” is led by a Senior Health Insurance Benefi ts Assistance (SHIBA) counselor, and provides information to Medicare- eligible benefi ciaries about their Medicare choices. Registration is required as space is limited. Call the Council on Aging of Central Oregon at 541-678-5483 or email info@councilonaging.org. Tai Chi/Balance Sessions Free Tai Chi/Balance Classes based on the CDC “Steadi” Program to reduce injuries and falls in our community are being sponsored by Sisters Drug. Taught by Shannon Rackowski every Th ursday from 11-11:30 a.m. (except holidays) at the SPRD Fitness Room next to Sisters High School. Open to all ages. For info: 541-549-6221. Support for Caregivers A free support group for those who provide care in any capacity meets at Th e Lodge in Sisters at 10:30 a.m. the third Tuesday of each month. Call 541-771-3258 for additional information. TH THIS HI S WEEK WEEK’S S Highlights Thursday, August 29 Treating Autism with Massage 6 to 7 p.m. at Sisters Library Saturday, August 31 Friends of Metolius Walk 10 a.m. in Camp Sherman Sunday, September 1 Camp Sherman Pancake Breakfast 8 to 11 a.m. at Camp Sherman Comm. Hall Tuesday, September 3 High School Orientation 7:45 a.m. at Sisters High School Seeking Poets & Poetry Fans Share your voice & the poetry you love with your community. Participate in Tea & Poetry, presented by New Oregon Arts & Letters and Sisters Farmers Market. Email tiff any@plazm.com for information or call 503-997- 0301; email is preferred. Camp Sherman Pancake Breakfast Bring your family and friends to a traditional Pancake Breakfast at the Camp Sherman Community Hall, Sunday, September 1, 8 to 11 a.m. Enjoy all-you-can-eat ham, eggs, pancakes, orange juice and coff ee. Adults $9.00; children 5-10 years $6.00, under 5 free. Proceeds benefi t Camp Sherman Historical Society and Friends of the Metolius. Call 541-595-2719 for more information. High School Orientation Incoming fi rst-year students are invited to come to Sisters High School on Tuesday, September 3 from 7:45 a.m. to 3:05 p.m. for new-student orientation. Seniors and juniors will be serving as leaders to help fi rst-year students transition successfully to the high school. Activities will focus on team-building, cooperative skill development and discussion skills. Students will get their locker assignments and run through a shortened version of their daily schedule. Bus routes will run in the morning and afternoon. Th e route times can be found on the district website. Transfer students grades 10-12 are invited for an open house at SHS the same day from 9 to 11 a.m. Call 541-549-4045 for info. Habitat Homeownership Sisters Habitat for Humanity is accepting applications for its homeownership program. If you have lived and/or worked in Sisters for at least a year, have a need for housing, have verifi able income and are willing to contribute up to 500 hours of sweat equity, this program may be for you. Please review Habitat’s qualifi cation guide online at www.sistershabitat.org/housing- programs or pick one up at the Habitat offi ce, 141 W. Main Ave. Questions, call 541-549-1193. Crafters Wanted Share your creativity! Quality- oriented crafters are being sought as consigners for the 44th Annual Snowfl ake Boutique (November 1 & 2). Jury will be Saturday, September 7 at 9:30 a.m. at Highland Baptist Church, Redmond. Info at www. snowfl akeboutique.org or call Randi, 541-788-4452 or Jan, 541- 350-4888 or Tina, 541-447-1640. CPR/AED and First Aid Class Th e next CPR/AED/First Aid class is scheduled for Th ursday, September 12, at 8:30 a.m. Th e cost is $30 which covers both modules, a workbook and completion card. Register by Tuesday, September 10. To register, go on-line to sistersfi re. com and select the CPR tab, or stop by and register at the Sisters Fire station during business hours (8 to 5). Pick up the student workbook at the station after you register. If you have questions, call Chris Carr at 415-860-3697. Child Sexual-Abuse Prevention Training Th e Autism Treatment Center of Bend will host a free public presentation at the Sisters Library on Th ursday, August 29 from 6 to 7 p.m. Rosimery Bergeron will discuss qigong sensory treatment massage, a research-proven, parent-delivered treatment that can improve all aspects of autism. Register at www.AutismTreatment. Center or call 503-917-1239 for info. Darkness to Light®, a child sexual- abuse prevention training, will be held on Th ursday, September 5 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Sisters Library. Th is training program provides participants with 5 steps to better protect children from sexual abuse. It gives adults the tools for recognizing the signs of sexual abuse, responding to suspicions, and gives simple ways to minimize opportunities for abuse in organizations and our community. Please contact Rachel Visser at 541-306-6062 to register. Come Sing With Us! Th e Sisters High Desert Chorale will begin rehearsals for Winter/ Christmas concerts on Monday, September 23. Th e Chorale meets each Monday night at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Hall of Transfi guration Episcopal Church. No audition is required and all ages are welcome. Winter concerts are scheduled for the fi rst part of December 2019. For more information call Connie Gunterman at 541-588-0362. Dementia Caregivers Group A free support group for caregivers of those suff ering with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia takes place the fi rst Tuesday of each month from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Sisters City Hall. Sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association, meetings provide emotional, educational, and social support. Call 800-272- 3900 or go to alz.org/oregon. Parkinson’s Support Group Th e second Tuesday of each month, Sisters Parkinson’s Support Group meets at Th e Lodge in Sisters from 2 to 3:30 p.m. All are welcome to learn, share, and receive support. For more info contact Carol at 541-668-6599. PET OF THE WEEK Humane Society of Central Oregon 541-382-3537 Seniors and caregivers are invited to drop by the SAGE room at SPRD on the second Monday of every month from 1 to 3 p.m. to meet local service providers and gather free information about aging in place from foot care to end-of-life planning. Call Diane at 541-588-0081 for information. Chapel in the Pines Camp Sherman • 541-549-9971 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Sisters Church of the Nazarene 67130 Harrington Loop Road • 541-389-8960 | sistersnaz.org 10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship | 2sistersnaz@gmail.com Westside Sisters 442 Trinity Way • 541-549-4184 | westsidesisters.org 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Vast Church (Nondenominational) 1700 W. McKinney Butte (Sisters High School) • 541-719-0587 9:37 a.m. Sunday Worship | vastchurch.com Seventh-Day Adventist Church 386 N. Fir Street • 541-595-6770, 541-306-8303 11 a.m. Saturday Worship Th e Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 452 Trinity Way • Branch President, 541-420-5670; 10 a.m. Sunday Sacrament Meeting Baha’i Faith Meetings Devotional Gatherings, Study Classes and Discussion Groups. Call for location and times • 541-549-6586 Peterson Ridge Trail Celebration Sisters Trails Alliance invites the community to celebrate the amazing trail system in our own backyard. Th e event is Saturday, September 21 at Village Green Park and features organized hikes and mountain-bike rides on the PRT, activities in the park for all trail-lovers, a little PRT history, and a free lunch. Registration required for lunch & organized rides. Info at sisterstrails.org or call 541-719-8822. Sisters Libr ary coming events Ready for Kindergarten A special storytime just for children entering kindergarten will include songs, crafts and more. Th ursday, August 29 at 1:30 p.m. No registration required. Call 541-617-7078 for more info. Family Fun Story Time Family Fun Story Time for kids ages birth through 5 takes place at the Sisters Library on Th ursdays, September 12, 19 and 26 from 10:30 to 11 a.m., with songs, rhymes and crafts, all designed to grow young readers. Caregivers must attend. rea Info: In n fo 541-617-7078. Th e Nonfi ction Book Club Rea and discuss “City of Light, Read City C t of Poison: Murder, Magic, Ci and a the First Police Chief of an Paris” P a by Holly Tucker with other o h thoughtful readers at ot Fika Fik Sisters Coff eehouse on Th ursday, September 12, from 1 to 2 p.m. Info: 541-617-7078. Healthy Living Information for Seniors SISTERS-AREA CHURCHES Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church (ELCA) 386 N. Fir Street • 541-549-5831 10 a.m. Sunday Worship shepherdofthehillslutheranchurch.com Sisters Community Church (Nondenominational) 1300 W. McKenzie Hwy. • 541-549-1201 10 a.m. Sunday Worship (with signing) sisterschurch.com | info@sisterschurch.com St. Edward the Martyr Roman Catholic Church 123 Trinity Way • 541-549-9391 5:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass 9 a.m. Sunday Mass 8 a.m. Monday-Friday Mass Calvary Chapel (Nondenominational) 484 W. Washington St., Ste. C & D • 541-588-6288 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Th e Episcopal Church of the Transfi guration 68825 Brooks Camp Road • 541-549-7087 8:30 a.m. Ecumenical Sunday Worship (Sunday school, childcare) 10:15 a.m. Episcopal Sunday Worship (Sunday school, childcare) Treating Autism with Qigong Massage Da Dangerous Crooked Sc Scoundrels Meet DR. HOPKINZ, a white lop-eared bunny who is looking for his forever home! Dr. Hopkinz is a very sweet bunny who enjoys being petted, eating snacks, and exploring. Rabbits are often thought of as “starter pets” but they can live over 8 years and require a lot of socialization, time outside their enclosure, fresh veggies, and toys to keep them stimulated and happy. Come on down to HSCO and meet the Doctor today! SPONSORED BY 541-549-1 541-549-1175 1 1 75 Insulting the president, from Ins Washington to Trump. On Wa Saturday, September 14 at 3 p.m. at the Sisters Library author and professor Edwin Battistella will trace the ways in which presidents have been insulted over the centuries since the founding of the republic, selecting from more than 500 examples collected in his upcoming book, “Dangerous Crooked Scoundrels.” Battistella shows that less has changed than you might think. Th e Library Book Club Read and discuss “Th e Lost Girls of Camp Forevermore,” by Kim Fu, with other readers at the Sisters Library on Wednesday, September 18, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Info: 541-617-7078. POLICY: Business items do not run on this page. Nonprofi ts, schools, churches, birth, engagement, wedding and anniversary notices may run at no charge. All submissions are subject to editing and run only as space allows. Email lisa@nuggetnews.com or drop off at 442 E. Main Ave. Your text must include a “for more information” phone number. Deadline is noon, Mondays.