14 Wednesday, July 3, 2019 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Commentary... Old fears and new tools By Katy Yoder Correspondent I was honored to be a workshop presenter at The Healing Trauma Conference last month. The event was created to provide resources and access to new modali- ties for healing past trau- mas and learning new tech- niques to achieve resiliency. Co-founders Cheryl Mills and Susanne Frilot worked for 9 months putting it together, and when it finally breathed its first breath, it proved to be a labor of love that took on a beautiful life of its own. Participants listened to a panel of six experts dis- cussing the main effects of trauma: mental, physi- cal, nutritional, spiritual, social and emotional. Then Elizabeth Bouvier-Fitzgerald was interviewed about her amazing story of triumph over trauma. Before we broke for lunch, Barbara Largent, MD spoke about her own experi- ence with trauma, how she9s found healing and her innova- tive and non-traditional meth- ods for helping patients. After lunch the workshops began. I taught two