Wednesday, June 5, 2019 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Novelist found her muse in Sisters By Carol Statton Correspondent Life can be redirected in a split second. For Catherine Cowles, a horseback riding injury sent her on a road trip to find a quiet, peaceful place to recover. When the journey of exploration led to Sisters, she knew she had found the perfect spot. What she didn9t know at the time was that it would also birth her life as a published romance novelist. Being a lifelong voracious reader, it almost seemed nat- ural that this new chapter in a new place would lead to a new career that included books. It wasn9t long before Catherine funneled her love of the written word into a brand-new quest. Shortly after arriving, Catherine began creating a strategy and equipping herself to attain the ultimate goal. It was time to enter the world that she loved; it was time to become an author. Catherine knows that her readers often experience their own tragedy, grief, heartache and challenges. When escap- ing into romance novels, they all want to feel hope and a guaranteed <happily ever after.= It was this awareness that directed Catherine to choose the romance genre for her writing focus. Quite differ- ent from a <love story,= a romance novel can still take you through the rough parts of life, but there will always be a happy ending. A happy ending and some spicy elements along the way. As she settled into her new life in Sisters, Catherine found inspiration. Her first book, <Further to Fall,= was already underway when she started to formulate the <Sutter Lake= series. And for those who know Sisters, the parallels are quite noticeable. Although, Catherine didn9t craft her series literally about Sisters, her readers will feel all that has inspired her. A writer often draws from life experiences, per- sonal reflections and what they themselves are drawn to. Cowles has always been someone who appreciates the opportunity books provide as a portal to other worlds, lives and experiences. As she works on each book, her per- sonal connections broaden as she has been welcomed and affirmed by the romance- writing community. Friendsh Friendships have blossom blossomed, sup- port syst systems have develop developed, and Catherin Catherine has truly found a new world inside the one she lives e every day. Life ha has become deepe deeper, richer and e even more creat creative than ever before. W Writing a nov novel is not e a s y, a n d Ca therine co mmits a l m o s t e every wak- i ing hour to the pro- cess. Self- imposed an and intense 9 Sisters salutes... deadlines keep her " The membership of on track, few distrac- Sisters Rodeo has spent tions are allowed, and their weekends and many extensive research and weekdays for the last two connectedness to those months to make President who have already Glenn Miller proud of the found success have rodeo he has ramrodded so been vital to attain- well for so many years. ing her goals. Within From pasting 1,200 the romance-writing numbers on new bleacher community, <up-and- seats to repairing corrals coming= authors unite and creating a scene of as well, sharing their beauty, Rodeo members experiences in a way were determined to not let that provides valuable Miller down as he recovers tools. The camarade- from a dangerous illness. rie is exhilarating and They9ve succeeded encouraging. beyond expectation. Finding inspira- PHOTO BY CAROL STATTON " The Board of Directors tion from the town she A horseback riding injury led Catherine of Circle of Friends would calls home, as well Cowles to Sisters — and a career as a like to extend a HUGE as the beautiful sur- novelist. thank-you for the gener- rounding landscape, ous donation of Wade Catherine has all that Underwood and the Three she needs to finish all four romance novelist. Creeks staff and Greg The first book in the Sutter books in the Sutter Lake Willitts and the FivePine series. After hours and hours Lake series, <Beautifully staff for making our fund- at her computer, being able Broken Pieces,= has been raising event so successful! to step outside and absorb very well received. It is We could not have done it the beauty of this place refu- available locally at Paulina without their very generous els her spirit. This refueling Springs Books, 541-549- sponsorships. ensures that the stories she so 0866. Cowles9 second install- In addition, we are beautifully creates will carry ment, <Beautifully Broken thrilled with the community her readers into a special Life,= will be published and response. It takes a village, town filled with memorable released in late June. and the village showed up. characters and challenging life experiences. When life changes in a split second, what comes next can be transformational. For Catherine Cowles, an unfortunate riding experience which required time and a quiet place to heal led to a life beyond anything she could have imagined. It led her to Sisters and to her new and Open 7 days a week, 12-9 p.m. | 541-595-6420 rewarding life as a published