14 Wednesday, March 27, 2019 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Tales from a Sisters Naturalist by Jim Anderson Wolves in the classroom Last week, I got a note from Sisters Middle School Teacher Susie Werts invit- ing me to a presentation by two biologists, one of whom worked in Yellowstone dur- ing the reintroduction of the wolves. Well, of course I went, and I9m glad I did. The biolo- gists did a wonderful job of presenting what9s going on with wolves and the pub- lic since the Yellowstone reintroduction, focusing on herbivore overgrazing, bal- ance-of-nature and habitat considerations, and citing the impact of the wolves of Isle Royal as an example. They also presented a clear picture of how wolves have wandered through the Northwest, discussing the famous 4 or infamous, depending on your point of view 4 Wolf OR-7. Again and again student hands shot up for questions, and after each answer every- one began to see the scope of ecological events that took place for the good of the land and all the species that lived in it with wolves back in the Yellowstone ecosystem again. Susie told me,