Wednesday, January 2, 2019 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon You can help continue its The Nugget journalistic mission Readers like you can join our loyal advertisers in bringing The Nugget to Sisters — for free — every week! ❏ Read your Nugget! Delivered to every home in the Sisters School District by US Mail each Wednesday and distributed around town Tuesday nights, there’s always a Nugget close at hand. Take a few minutes to catch up with your community. ❏ Support the businesses who advertise in The Nugget. Make shop local your habit! ❏ Send a gift subscription to someone outside our free delivery zone. Share Sisters with the folks you care about. Visit to fi nd all our subscription options. ❏ Engage with your community newspaper. Send us a story idea, write a “Letter to the Editor,” off er up a “Sisters Salute,” sell something with a classifi ed ad, do the crossword puzzle, save a recipe, use a coupon, give an interesting news clipping to a friend, etc... ❏ Make a fi nancial contribution to keep professional community journalism thriving in Sisters. Visit, stop by the offi ce (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri), call or drop a check in the mail. 442 E. Main Ave. 541-549-9941 Mailing address: PO Box 698, Sisters, OR 97759 Thank you for supporting us! Three easy ways to support community journalism: • Complete the form below and mail today • Call 541-549-9941 and pay by credit card • Go to to contribute online ❏ $50/year Supporting Subscription ❏ $100/year Sustaining Subscription ❏ $________ Other Contribution Name __________________________________________________________________ Address _________________ City ______________ State ____ Zip _________ Phone ______________ Email ___________________________________________ ❏ Check enclosed ❏ Please charge my credit card Visa/MasterCard __________________________ Exp. __ /__ Security Code ___ Mail to: The Nugget, PO Box 698, Sisters, OR 97759 Founded as an independently owned, weekly newspaper in 1978, The Nugget is widely read by the Sisters community. It provides comprehensive coverage of city government, school, forest service and other local news. PHOTO BY GARY MILLER 18