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    Wednesday, November 2, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Sisters High School October 2018 Student of the Month
“Connection” is the watchword in
Makenna Liddellʼs endeavors.
From her work with student govern-
ment (sheʼs vice president) to Leadership
Crew, to interning at Sisters Elementary
School in special education, Makenna is all
about helping students connect with each
other and helping students feel invited and
included in the life of the schools.
“Itʼs really important to me to make
student connections,” she said. “I just want
to help that process along.”
For her, engagement is not about how
much she can do and how successful she
can be, but how she can help “make other
people be successful.”
She helps that process by connect-
ing with younger students through Sisters
Dance Academy, where she is both a stu-
dent and a teacher.
“Thatʼs a huge part of my life,” she
Makenna is applying to Brigham
Young University in Utah, where she plans
to major in special education, with a minor
in dance.
“When I think of Makenna, so many incredi-
ble qualities come to mind, but most of all I think
of her good and kind heart. Every single time I
have seen or been around this young lady, I have
witnessed her pure heart, her selfl ess attitude, and
her contagious smile. She genuinely makes those
around her better. She approaches each day with
a goal to be a light to others, and she is! No matter
what path Makenna takes or what career she pur-
sues after high school, I am confi dent that she will
continue to make the world a better place. She is
so loved and will be greatly missed here at SHS!”
— Samra Spear
“Makenna is one of the most hard-working and
kind people I know. The dedication she approaches
her learning, dancing, and relationships with is tru-
ly inspirational. Our school is a better place because
of the many impacts Makenna has on our culture.”
— Daniel O’Neill
“I love Makenna! What a great kid. I love wit-
nessing her in-depth thought process that she has
had since she was a freshman, but I’m most excit-
ed about seeing how she has become a great leader
and great example for the school and for her class-
mates. She is a talented designer and artist, as
well as dancer, student, leader, and teacher.”
— Bethany Gunnarson
“Positive, energetic, passionate, caring and
thoughtful are the fi rst words that come to my
mind when asked about Makenna. Her positive en-
ergy makes people around her, including the staff,
want to do better and work harder. Makenna can
brighten up one’s day with her smile, but she’s also
willing to work. She spent many hours over the sum-
mer with her ASG team to get ready for this school
year. Congratulations, Makenna, you deserve this
— Joe Hosang
“I loved having Makenna in my Spanish 2
class last year! She always walked in with the
brightest smile, and was enthusiastic about
learning Spanish and participating in class. I
defi nitely miss having her around this year!”
— Rebekah Dunkle
“Makenna is so deserving of being chosen as
our Outlaw Student of the Month. She has added
so much to the SHS community. Her kindness and
enthusiasm are catching—just the way she walks
down the halls with that big smile on her face
brightens the day for so many people! Makenna
tirelessly works to make SHS a place where everyone
feels welcome and important. Makenna truly em-
bodies the spirit of what it means to be an Outlaw.”
— Gail Greaney
“Makenna is a kind, beautiful, motivated
person! She has helped in my classroom for 2 se-
mesters and she is amazing. She is very indepen-
dent, super-creative, and she does quality work.
She was a tremendous support for me, as well as
a joy to have around. Makenna is always posi-
tive, and that positive energy impacts everyone
she comes in contact with!”
— Leah Soloff
“Makenna graces the world with her sweet smile
and kind nature. Makenna strives to make the
world a better place, and she genuinely cares about
others, often going out of her way to make people feel
welcome. I have loved getting to know Makenna in
biology and chemistry. She puts her full effort into each
task she tackles, and holds herself to high standards.
I am grateful Makenna is a part of our community!”
— Rima Givot
“McKenna is one of the most hard-working,
kind, and positive people I know. She is a leader
in the best sense of the word — she serves well
without recognition, and she brings the best out
of those around her. She is an insightful and dili-
gent student. She is keen at seeing needs and then
giving her best to meet them. She brings a joyful
and thoughtful presence to wherever she is. She is
a beautiful soul from the inside out. I am really
grateful she is a part of life here at Sisters High
— Jami Lyn Weber
These businesses have joined The Nugget in supporting our youth and their accomplishments by co-sponsoring the Student of the Month program.
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