The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, August 15, 2018, Page 2, Image 2

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    Wednesday, August 15, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
To your health…
Most of us who live in Sisters Country
would say that we choose to be here because
of the natural beauty and the sense of com-
munity that is becoming increasingly hard to
sustain in modern American life.
And a lot of us would say that Sisters gives
us an opportunity to enjoy a healthier way
of life — in mind, body and spirit. There’s a
lot to be said for the benefits to all three of
being able to hit the road for a ride or get out
on the trail for a hike within minutes of leav-
ing home. And living in a community where
people genuinely care about each other can’t
help but be good for you.
All of those qualities draw health and fit-
ness professionals to Sisters. Just as Sisters has
become renowned as an arts-and-music com-
munity, it is also becoming known as a hub for
those who make a living and a life promoting
health, fitness and well-being.
The Nugget has spent the past couple of
weeks compiling stories centered around
health and fitness, and we can testify that the
passion and commitment we have seen in the
people who are working and creating in related
fields is truly extraordinary.
That’s a pretty remarkable gift to all of us,
and just one more reason to be grateful to have
found ourselves in this place at this time.
Jim Cornelius
Editor in Chief
See pages 14-25
Letters to the Editor…
The Nugget welcomes contributions from its readers, which must include the writer’s name, address and phone number. Let-
ters to the Editor is an open forum for the community and contains unsolicited opinions not necessarily shared by the Editor.
The Nugget reserves the right to edit, omit, respond or ask for a response to letters submitted to the Editor. Letters should be
no longer than 300 words. Unpublished items are not acknowledged or returned. The deadline for all letters is noon Monday.
To the Editor:
This Friday, August 17, the Sisters Veterans
Group (VFW, American Legion and Band of
Brothers) will be posting flags along Cascade
Avenue to honor law enforcement personnel
in Central Oregon, throughout our state, and
across the nation.
These men and women put their lives on
the line every day, on and off the job. They are
the ones who enforce the rules and laws that
help maintain a civil society and help to keep
us safe. Together with other First Responders
they work to help protect us and our property.
Wherever you are, please step up and make
the effort to thank them for their service to us.
Art Buell
To the Editor:
This is in regards the August 8 letter to the
editor written by Jerry Wright, which I found
confusing, to wit, and I quote: “ I for one look
forward to his (Craig Rullman’s) thoughts
each week as a breath of fresh air and reason
amid the political correctness and downright
mean-spirited animosity that is too prevalent
through-out our society,….”
I do not understand how he can lump the
two terms together. Political correctness
would prevent a prominent figure from mock-
ing someone with a disability; doing so is very
mean-spirited and promotes bullying. Political
correctness would not denigrate a veteran who
was captured and tortured; doing so would cre-
ate mean-spiritedness and suggest that POWs
were less than worthy of our compassion and
praise. Political correctness would not tell
a Gold Star family that their much-beloved
See LETTERS on page 11
Sisters Weather Forecast
Courtesy of the National Weather Service, Pendleton, Oregon
The Nugget Newspaper, LLC
442 E. Main Ave., P.O. Box 698, Sisters, Oregon 97759
Tel: 541-549-9941 | Fax: 541-549-9940 |
Postmaster: Send address changes to
The Nugget Newspaper,
P.O. Box 698, Sisters, OR 97759.
Third Class Postage Paid at Sisters, Oregon.
Editor in Chief: Jim Cornelius
Production Manager: Leith Easterling
Classifieds & Circulation: Teresa Mahnken
Graphic Design: Jess Draper
Community Marketing Partners:
Patti Jo Beal & Vicki Curlett
Accounting: Erin Bordonaro
Proofreader: Pete Rathbun
Owner: J. Louis Mullen
The Nugget is mailed to residents within the Sisters School District; subscriptions are available outside delivery area.
Third-class postage: one year, $45; six months (or less), $25. First-class postage: one year, $85; six months, $55.
Published Weekly. ©2018 The Nugget Newspaper, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. All advertising which
appears in The Nugget is the property of The Nugget and may not be used without explicit permission. The Nugget Newspaper, Inc. assumes no liability or responsibility for
information contained in advertisements, articles, stories, lists, calendar etc. within this publication. All submissions to The Nugget Newspaper will be treated as uncondition-
ally assigned for publication and copyrighting purposes and subject to The Nugget Newspaper’s unrestricted right to edit and comment editorially, that all rights are currently
available, and that the material in no way infringes upon the rights of any person. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return or safety of artwork, photos, or manuscripts.
On becoming a
nonprofit organization
By Audry Tehan
After five years, thou-
sands of shovels full
of soil, 50,000 tons of
produce, 100 pages
of documentation,
countless hours of
reading legal docu-
ments and answering
too many questions
about noodles growing
on trees, Seed to Table
officially became a feder-
ally tax-exempt nonprofit
attaining IRS 501(c)(3) sta-
tus as of July 28, 2018. We
are officially known as Seed
to Table Oregon!
The small envelope
announcing Seed to Table
Oregon’s acceptance as a
501(c)(3) organization con-
tained just two pieces of
paper. What a small reward
for all the work and head-
aches; but those two sheets
of paper represent a won-
derful demonstration of the
power of our community.
Nonprofits are not born
from one person’s idea, but
from the desire and will-
ingness for a community to
support the idea that we can
live better lives. The idea for
Seed to Table (S2T) sprouted
at the Sisters Science Club
under the fiscal sponsor-
ship of the Sisters Schools
Foundation five years ago.
Since then S2T has grown
every year until we were
at a point where everyone
involved knew it was time
for the organization to fledge
from its comfortable Science
Club nest to fly on its own.
Unfortunately for me, by the
time we initiated the filing
process, we had outgrown
the IRS “EZ” process for
small groups applying for
nonprofit status. I had to do
the HARD process.
One of the most critical
steps for S2T to increase
its ability to serve the com-
munity was recruiting a tal-
ented and dedicated volun-
teer board of directors. The
board members include Jeff
Tryens as chair, Barbara
Schulz as vice chair, Ted
Johnson as treasurer, Meiko
Lunetta as secretary and
Kendra Littrell as outreach
coordinator. Because this
will be the only time that I,
as the founder, will be able
to choose the board I needed
to get it. I am pleased to
report that this diverse group
of community is already up
and running.
When I first looked into
how an organization like
S2T becomes a nonprofit
in Oregon, “The Oregon
Nonprofit Corporation
Handbook” rose to the top
of my list. I was able to
make lots of headway just
referencing the different
sections of the Handbook
but after a month of trying
to fill out the HARD form
myself, I knew we needed
professional assistance. Our
organization proved to be a
little more complex that the
average applicant due to our
fiscal sponsorship, size and
previous donations.
So, with the board’s sup-
port, we bit the bullet and
hired an attorney specializ-
ing in nonprofits. With her
help we were able to com-
plete the application within
the allotted six-month win-
dow and avoid the inevita-
ble rejections that can occur
when amateurs, like me, fill
out what is basically a legal
document. A special thanks
to our major sponsors these
past few years: Sisters Sci-
ence Club, Sisters Schools
Foundation, Sisters School
District, The Roundhouse
Foundation, Oregon Com-
munity Foundation, Meta-
bolic Maintenance, Richard
Clise, Sisters Rotary Club,
Meyer Memorial Trust,
Collins Foundation, Sisters
Garden Club, the Willitts
family and so many more
for believing in us from the
July 28, 2018 marks the
end of the beginning and I
am excited to move forward,
officially as a 501(c)(3).
Audrey Tehan is the
Executive Director of Seed
to Table Oregon.
Opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the writer and
are not necessarily shared by the Editor or The Nugget Newspaper.