The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, August 01, 2018, Page 38, Image 37

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Wednesday, August 1, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Max Gomez will
open show at park
Continued from page 3
Their name came about
accidentally on their way to
a local gig in Louisiana. A
family friend said he always
wanted to name a band “Lost
Bayou Ramblers.”
“The name stuck and we
just kind of went up from
there,” he said.
Michot describes the
band’s style as being a tradi-
tional Cajun band with French
creole music influences.
“We have the traditional
accordion sound and the lap
steel, sing in French, and have
a mixture of blues and rock
influences,” Michot told The
The band’s sound over-
all is classic New Orleans-
style music, picking up influ-
ences of blues, rock and
In 2016, Lost Bayou
Ramblers won a Grammy for
Best Regional Roots Album
for their album, entitled
“It was a completely
unexpected surprise, and a
great win for ourselves but
also our local community in
Louisiana,” Michot said.
The band had been nomi-
nated before along with many
other colleagues. It was the
first time a traditional Cajun
band had won in that category
as a full band versus individ-
ual artists and collaborations.
“We went off after the
show and kind of had our own
party and the excitement of
winning carried over into our
next tour,” he said.
“Kalenda” is named after
a form of Caribbean dance,
and later it became a popu-
lar woman’s name. Kalenda
dance is multicultural, each
culture has their own interpre-
tation of Kalenda. Throughout
the centuries cultures have
made it their own.
“We wanted to honor the
tradition and create our own
unique album influenced by
mostly French and Cajun
sounds that is present in the
Caribbean dance known as
Kalenda, that is why it was the
title of our record,” he said.
In 2014, the Lost Bayou
Ramblers had the opportu-
nity to be a part of the Jack
White-produced documentary
and album collection series:
“American Epic.” The col-
lection is a collaboration of
contemporary artists from
various genres of music com-
ing together and recording in
a replicated 1920s American
music studio. Artists include:
Elton John, Alabama Shakes,
Los Lobos, The Hawaiians,
Pokey LaFarge, Jack White —
and The Lost Bayou Ramblers.
Every artist recorded on the
recreated 1920s equipment
laying down old songs repre-
senting to various cultures that
influenced American music.
“It was an amazing oppor-
tunity to play and record on
the same equipment that the
first recorded traditional Cajun
band did in 1928,” he said.
Jack White and produc-
ers chose the Lost Bayou
Ramblers to represent the
Cajun/French aspect of
American musical history.
“It was an honor to be cho-
sen for that cultural aspect of
American music amongst all
the other artists in that collec-
tion,” Michot said.
American Epic was a
three-part documentary series
on PBS that was released in
2017. Michot also narrated
the middle section of the
As their website bio states:
“Their Jack White-produced
performance in the 2017 doc-
umentary series and on the
accompanying record release
American Epic helped solidify
Lost Bayou Ramblers’ reputa-
tion as one of the world’s fin-
est traditional Cajun outfits, if
one of the least orthodox.”
The band has a total of
eight albums and has toured
with bands including Arcade
Fire and the Violent Femmes.
As well as contributions to the
score of the Oscar-nominated
“Beasts of the Southern Wild,”
has put the band on the map
in all aspects of the music
They have been touring
pretty much every year for 19
years now. They travel inter-
nationally to England and
Lost Bayou Ramblers will play in a free concert at Fir Street Park in Sisters on Thursday, August 2 at 6:30 p.m.
“Our travels in France were
interesting because our lan-
guage of music was the same,
but different, because the New
Orleans French was adapted
and changed over time,”
Michot said.
The Lost Bayou Ramblers
have never played in Sisters,
but have played in Bend in the
past. They usually make their
way to San Francisco, Seattle
and Los Angeles on their
Western tour.
“We look forward to play-
ing a small community such as
Sisters,” he said.
Max Gomez, Americana,
Indie, singer songwriter will
be the opener for the Lost
Bayou Ramblers on their
August 2 performance. Max
Gomez was an unexpected
hit at the 2016 Sisters Folk
Festival. Gomez, hailing
from Taos, New Mexico, is a
young up-and-coming singer-
songwriter who has been sur-
rounded by musical influences
Where memories are made
and friends always belong.
throughout his whole life and
creates his own unique style.
Gomez is known for his “pas-
sion and pursuit for the per-
fectly written song,” as his
website states.
Max Gomez and the Lost
Bayou Ramblers will be
playing at Fir Street Park
on Thursday August 2, at
6:30 p.m. as part of the First
Interstate-sponsored free con-
cert series. Seating is not pro-
vided so bring blanket or low-
back chair to enjoy a night of
eclectic music.
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