Wednesday, August 1, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon OSU: Marine science building plan changes among board decisions be built out over the next 3-5 years as additional fac- ulty are hired and students are enrolled as part of the planned growth of the marine studies initiative. The future cost of building out the third floor is estimated to total approximately $4.9 million. On the Corvallis campus, the Finley Hall renovation addresses deferred mainte- nance and capital renewal needs, including improving restroom accessibility and privacy. Continued from page 33 The board also approved modifications to the construc- tion plan and budget for the Marine Studies Building at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport. The design of the second floor of the three-story build- ing has been modified to accommodate an open-office concept, and the third floor will be shelled out to allow for future completion as new programs are developed and enrollment grows. The changes bring the budget to $61.7 million (including $1 million in con- tingency funds). That amount is more than the initial $50 million approved in 2015 but down $3.2 million from a year ago, when market con- ditions and design elements, including vertical tsunami evacuation, had pushed the cost to $64.9 million. “This fiscally conservative approach will meet immedi- ate and near-term academic and marine studies initiative program goals while provid- ing flexibility for the future,” Ray said. OSU-paid bonds will cover the additional $11.7 million. The rest of the fund- ing will be an equal split between state-paid bonds and gifts and grants. The third floor of the building would This fiscally conservative approach will meet immediate and near-term academic and marine studies initiative program goals while providing flexibility for the future. — OSU President Ed Ray The two-phase project will take place this summer and summer 2019 at a total cost of $10.5 million, which comes from University Housing and Dining cash reserves. Over the work plan, plumbing, bathrooms, kitchens, fire pro- tection and lounges would be upgraded. “The university combined two projects into one to max- imizing savings on fees and expenses,” Ray said. A tradition of excellence, ce, trust t ust & service se ce CRITIQUE: Group challenges artists, improves work Continued from page 3 groups out of a need for com- panionship with other artists. Joanne Burgess, a partner at Hood Avenue Art Gallery known for her love of nature that is reflected in her paint- ings, has been a member of the group for over a year. “I was pretty lonely work- ing by myself in my studio,” Burgess said. “I love this group, it keeps me going, keeps me learning and keeps me stretched.” Tillery agreed, and notes that he loves the chance to get together with fellow artists and just talk. “As an artist we all spend many hours in solitude, either painting in the studio or on location by ourselves,” Tillery said. “The camaraderie of the group is a treasure to me.” Critique group mem- ber Katherine Taylor, an oil painter known for her unique soulful and luminous style, started a critique group in 2005 in Bend with Janice Druian, best known for her landscapes that capture the beauty of isolated parts of the country. “We both decided to join Jim’s group because these are all artists that know how to speak the art language,” Quality Truck-mounted CARPET CLEANING Quality Cleaning 16 years in Reasonable Prices Sisters! — Credit Cards Accepted — THINKING OF SELLING? ENVIROTECH 541-771-5048 Let me help you easily navigate the process. Taylor said. “And to me that’s important. We need to con- stantly have artists look at our work and talk about the fun- damentals of art. It’s a group that really adheres to the prin- ciples of fine art.” Druian said that she could not live without the critique group. She requires the art- ists’ input on certain pieces of her art because it improves her work. Other members of the group are Clark Berryman, a retired veterinarian who considers himself a classical realist painter of portraiture and wildlife, oil painter Mike Wise, and Tina Brockway, known for her fine pottery. Gary Cooley, well-known sculptor, painter and owner of Gary Cooley Studios on Hood Avenue, is also an Art Attack Group member. “I find this group very interesting. It lifts your spir- its, its camaraderie among friends,” Cooley told The Nugget. “I think we all learn from this group and it really lends support with your own 37 art.” Perhaps the most ben- eficial thing about a critique group is that it builds a com- munity of artists that are familiar with each other’s work, and often end up exhib- iting work together and shar- ing resources. I think we all learn from this group and it really lends support with your own art. — Gary Cooley And that is one reason the group came up with the idea of having a show for the pub- lic in Sisters on August 11, next to Gary Cooley’s gallery on Hood Avenue. “It’s an opportunity to bring our work out for the public to see, let them all see us painting live, and get together and have some fun,” said Tillery. Superior Escrow Execution Ultimate Service Stop by and visit with Tiana Van Landuyt & Shelley Marsh. 220 S. 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