36 Wednesday, August 1, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon C L A S S I F I E D S J&E Landscaping Maintenance LLC ~ Providing All Services! 11+ years exp. Edgar Cortez, 541-610-8982 or 541-420-8163 jandelspcing15@gmail.com 701 Domestic Services BLAKE & SON – Commercial, Home & Rentals Cleaning WINDOW CLEANING! Lic. & Bonded • 541-549-0897 801 Classes & Training A D V E R T I S E H E R E ! Do you offer lessons or workshops for ... YOGA? DRAWING? VIOLIN? PIANO? TENNIS? Or... ? Let our readers know with an affordable classified ad! $2 per line the first week, $1.50 per line for repeats. And your ad goes online at no extra charge! Call before noon on Mondays to place, 541-549-9941, or online at NuggetNews.com. 802 Help Wanted LIGHT FARM WORK – Hauling, weed whacking, raking. Pay DOE. Call 503-880-1134. Los Agaves seeks experienced COOKS with Food Handler's card. $15/hr. Apply in person or call Jimmy at 541-848-8504. Admin Assistant for Sisters Park & Recreation District. $14-$16 per hour, DOE. Apply by Aug. 10. For detailed posting visit SistersRecreation.com/ employment P-T Bookkeeper for The Nugget to handle A/R, P/R prep, Data Entry, Collections, Banking, etc. Requires proficiency in Excel, QuickBooks, and 10-key by touch; knowledge of FileMaker and AccountEdge helpful. Must be detail-oriented & highly organized. Email résumé + cover to erin@nuggetnews.com or deliver to 442 E. Main Ave. during office hours: 9 to 5, M, T, Th, F (closed Wed.) NOW HIRING two (2) full- or part-time Stylists for our Salon Renaissance Sisters location. Tim, 541-388-3091. VOHS Custom Landscaping is now hiring! Competitive wages, great company. 541-515-8462 Short-term Jobs, Great Benefits BLACK BUTTE RANCH COOKS | Dishwashers Bartenders | Servers Maintenance: Grounds, Facilities Recreation Leaders Customer Service | Golf Counter help thru October Excellent working environment! APPLY NOW at BlackButteRanch.com Sisters Landscape Co. is now hiring for maintenance: Install plant material and irrigation, use power equipment, drive company vehicles. Must have valid ODL. Must be able to lift 40 lbs. Willing to train. Starting at $16 per hour DOE. Call 541-549-3001 or email sisterslandscape@gmail.com Full moon over Sisters... 999 Public Notice CITY OF SISTERS OR126 / US20 Scenic Byway Roundabout Landscaping Improvements INVITATION TO BID Bids due 2:00 p.m. Aug. 15, 2018 Sealed bids for the construction of the City of Sisters, OR126/US20 Scenic Byway Roundabout Landscaping Improvements, addressed to the City Recorder, City of Sisters, Oregon will be received until 2:00 p.m. local time at City Hall, 520 E. Cascade Avenue, P.O. Box 39, Sisters, Oregon, on August 15, 2018 and then publicly opened and read at 2:00 PM at City Hall, in Sisters, Oregon. Bids shall be clearly labeled: OR126/US20 Scenic Byway Roundabout Landscaping Improvements. Improvements generally include construction of structural footings and reinforcement for City-provided basalt columns, installation of City-provided large pumice boulders (Tumalo coordination with Stones), Artist-provided and installed sculptures and planting and irrigation landscape improvements. This project is required to comply with FHWA Buy America guidelines which stipulate that steel, iron, and manufactured products used in the project are produced in the United States. Contractors will be required to submit Certificates of Materials Origin prior to delivery of such products. The invitation to bid, plans, specifications, addenda, and notification of bid results for this project may be viewed at Sisters City Hall at 520 E. Cascade Avenue, Sisters, OR 97759; BECON Civil Engineering at 549 SW Mill View Way, Suite 105, Bend, OR 97702; or printed or ordered online from Premier Exchange at Builders http://www.plansonfile.com. There will be no Pre-Bid Conference for the OR126/US20 Scenic Byway Roundabout Landscaping Improvements project. This project is subject to the provisions of ORS 279C.800 through 279C.870 regarding payment of prevailing wages. Bidders must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board (ORS 701.055) or the bid will not be received or considered. Published August 1, 2018 Construction Contractors' LICENSING – Information for the Public – Oregon law requires those who work for compensation (except bona fide employees) in any construction activity involving improvements to real property to be licensed with Oregon CCB. (There are several exemptions.) An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Visit www.oregon.gov/CCB PHOTO BY JERRY BALDOCK Sisters’ night sky has been exceptional this summer. Oregonians read their local newspapers! 81.8% report 2+ people inside/outside of their home read their copy of the local newspaper. These results, published 3-12-18, combine answers from 308 Oregon adults, ages 18+ who participated in a Pulse Marketing Survey. Information provided Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association.