The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, August 01, 2018, Page 31, Image 30

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    Wednesday, August 1, 2018 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
RACE: Grueling uphill
run was a challenge
for racers
Continued from page 1
passes at Hoodoo. A total
of 74 runners finished the
Nick Scalfone of Bend,
who won the race the past
two years, was leading the
race before going off course.
He ended up as the fifth run-
ner to the finish, but received
a consolation gift from race
director Suzy Ramsey, who
offered him and the other two
free entry to next year’s race,
along with some race swag.
It was really hot by
the time we got to the
last uphill, but I made it.
— Jesse Ordonez
Jesse Ordonez, a La Pine
High School sophomore in his
second half-marathon race,
said, “It was really hot by the
time we got to the last uphill,
but I made it.”
He came to the race with
Scott Abrams, who has run
all three years of the race’s
existence. Unlike some of the
first-timers, Abrams had a
clear vision of what the
course would throw at
him, unlike one racer,
upon starting up the
road leading to the top
of Hoodoo remarked
breathlessly, “I had no
idea we had to go
all the way up
N a k a o
of Tigard
called the
cours e
“mem o-
rable.” He said, “I
have run 13 or 14
mara thons and
many half-mar-
athons and none
of them had a fin-
ish line with such
a beautiful view as
this one.”
Runners with local
ties included Eric Lid-
dell, 2:08:43; Laura
Grasle, 2:11:20; Ryan
Geser, 2:21:24; Amy
Bennette, 2:24:48; Annie
Winter, 2:33:53; Rachel
Kelleher, 2:35:37; Garni Jo
Ten-year-old Jamison Ping of Minnesota won the 5k race.
Carter Powell, 3:09:54; and
Matt McCurdy, 3:15:57.
The 5-kilometer winner,
10-year-old Jamison Ping, of
Winona, Minnesota, ran
away with the victory.
Official times were
not published by
press time.
Proceeds from the
race support Kiwanis
service projects and
according to
S u z y
“A large
portion of
our pro-
ceeds go
to the
ship and
our career oppor-
tunity program.
It will also sup-
port other causes
in the community,
such as Family
Access Network,
SPRD and Healthy
She added, “The event
was a huge success with
a large turnout and the
addition of the 5k race.
We could not pull this
off without our club’s
support and our many
local sponsors.”
Nakao Yashiyuki
of Tigard, enjoyed
the view in the
Run to the
Top race.
The setting for the Run to the Top could not be more spectacular.